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Cadillac Stuff
Fifty-Nine Follies
The 1959 Cadillac: from Eye-sore to Icon
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Is this what it's all about?

Montage of '59 stuff from my collection:
Prestige color catalog, Eldorado "V" tail-light inserts,
scale model, pair of tail-light "bullets", '59 photo album

Here's a Chevy Impala from 1960 with
custom "59 Cadillac" tail-lights
[ Photo: Internet, 2013 ]

What is THIS for a '59 Cadillac
The 1959 Cadillac has become an American icon. Talk
to any collector of American iron today and you will find the conversation soon drifting
to the Cadillac and, in particular, to the finned behemoths of 1959. You either love
them or despise them; no "ifs" or "buts".

Factory promotional photo, 1959 press kit
...but was it first with the
"wild" fins and bullet pods ?

Enthusiast Kevin Mueller sent these pics (he owns the
only known example of this
'59 Cadillac-finned speed boat (top photo). Kevin confirmed the fins were a
feature of
the boat when it left the yard; it got a lot of press at the time; the photo in the
2nd row, left,
appeared in Newsweek on January 1, 1956, almost three years before the
like-finned '
59 Cadillacs made their first appearance); the other photo, right, graced the cover
of Newsweek on April 15, 1957. I must admit I tend to share Kevin's
that this "wild" boat may have seriously influenced the design of the
'59s !
But whichever way you look at it and however much
you love or hate it, the '59 Caddy is here to stay, like the hamburger, like Coca-Cola
and (with all due respect) like the nation's star-spangled banner. It may be
the most extreme example of the automobile as an outrageous art form. There never was and
never will be anything quite like it on the road again.
The distinguishing mark of the Hard Rock Cafe
in Los Angeles is a green 1959 coupe that appears to have landed, nose-first,
on the roof. On the campus grounds of an American university, a 1959 Cadillac has
been nailed to the ground; the symbolism of that monument to excess is not so
evident. A group of Californian artists who call themselves Ant Farm once drove a
1959 Eldorado into a wall of burning TV sets ...in the name of art; they also
buried a '59 Cadillac sedan (and nine other Cadillacs typical of the forties, fifties and
sixties) up to their windshield in the Texas turf.

The roof of Los Angeles' Hard Rock Cafe
(since that photo was taken, in the early nineties,
the car has been repainted in a psychedelic motif)

Media Burn by Ant Farm, San
Francisco, July 4, 1975.
A 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz crashes through a wall
of burning TV sets, all in the name of "art"
[ Photo: © John Frederick Turner (Yann Saunders collection) ]

Popular decoration for a popular fast-food chain: the
Hard Rock Cafe
[ Photos: © 2000, Yann Saunders ]
Where will it all end?
In these pages you will find a collection of
oddities that all have one thing in common: the fins and the brilliant bullet
tail-lights of the 1959 Cadillac.
1959 Cadillacs on Magazine, Catalog
and Book Covers

Anybody know the month/year of this cover?

This is the cover of a Newsletter issued
by the Cadillac Club of Finland (CCOF)
[ Photo: © CCOF ]
1959 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz
for rent in Beverley Hills, CA
I got this tip in June, 2005, from a friend
and '59 Biarritz owner, Paul Zanetti of Australia. Sounds like fun if you
have some cash to spare but not enough to go buy the next one on eBay !
1959 Cadillac postcards, greeting
cards and bumper stickers
1959 Cadillacs featured in
non-Cadillac advertising campaigns
1959 Cadillacs on Movie Billboards

I believe the movie was called
Breathless, in English
[ red 1959 Eldorado Biarritz ]

1959 Cadillac Fins and Fashion
1959 Cadillacs in Business Promotion

(Left) this rear clip of the 1959 Eldorado Biarritz
was used for an advertising poster for a large shopping mall
outside Paris, France, called "Parly 2". It features an artist's
rendering of a car formerly owned by Ed Berry
of California, originally photographed by Alberto Martinez for a French language
book on American cars. The gal on
the right leaning nonchalantly on the RH tail-fins appears to be a giant with a
shriveled right arm. Business as usual
(right): choice acreage was being offered in this 1959 ad by Lee Ackerman
Investment Co Inc of Phoenix, AZ.
We have friends who live about a mile from where this photo was taken. It
sure does not look like this any more!

(Right) Some time back (!) you could rent the car on
the left from John Powell's Rent a Wreck
for just $14 a day. The car on the right was available from a competitive
outfit, also in California

This publicity shot for England's Austin Mini,
designed by Sir Alex Issigonis, takes a snide swing at the Cadillac
by showing that you could fit the diminutive car into the passenger compartment of the
spacious Fleetwood limousine

Along the same lines as the preceding photo, this one sets off the
'59 convertible and the more trim Chevrolet Chevette. Personally, I
still prefer the Cadillac!
[ thanks to Dave Burden for correcting me on the
Chevette, that I had listed as a VW Rabbit ]

Gracious living is perfectly illustrated in this
seventies ad for a private jet
[source: "Good Life", May 1983]
1959 Cadillac Paraphernalia

Left and center, a ceramic box and a wall
clock decorated with the tail end of a '59 Cadillac
Right: VHS Video tape of Rude Dog and the Dweebs (Dweebin around in a
pink Cadillac)

More ceramics

Popular telephone handset in the shape of a 1959 Eldorado

Now isn't this something else?
A working 1959 Cadillac electric guitar!
[ Photo: courtesy Quentin Hall (owner), Australia ]

Left: key fob with cartoon Cadillac, Center, a fridge
with 1959 Cadillac tail-lights
Right, from Classics Collection, the Mini Car Musical, a music box
that plays Pink Cadillac ]

Cadillac blank "gold" keys in presentation
gift box [top left of larger image]
These items are from a Cadillac Merchandising Gift Catalog from 1959
[ images provided kindly by Bob Millian, CLC resident expert on '59-60 Cadillacs ]

These images also were provided by Bob Millian; I'm
not sure if the year is 1959;
The "dipped V" Cadillac crest first appeared on 1964 Cadillacs

Left: believed to be from the Franklin Mint
[anything to make a quick buck!], this decorative pocket knife
Right: THE number plate for the '59 Cadillac buff

Left: Neon-lighted Cadillac sign [there exists also a
simpler version without lighting]
Right: From Car and Driver comes this card set, including one that depicts
the '59 Eldorado convertible

1959 Cadillac (tail) radio and tape deck

This first day cover,
celebrating the 1959 Cadillac tail-fin, issued March 17, 1995,
features an unknown artist's impressions of that year's Series 62 convertible

(Left) This cute wood and card model of a 1959
Cadillac Series Sixty-Special sedan is "parked" beside a rare 1959
Cadillac Eldorado Brougham in Paris, France [ex-François Laurent car, now
Robert Keyaerts Cadillac Museum at Langeais]; as you
can see, the toy is about three feet long. Right, this classified ad appeared
in the Swiss weekly Automobile Revue; a real car is being
offered for sale but the ad seems to features a '59 Cadillac toy (one that I have
never been able to properly identify)
This paper bag design was used by
a Swiss department store in the eighties

I wanted a pair of fancy Cadillac bookends. At
left, this is how the junk yard operator removed them
from the "donor car", an unhealthy 1959 ambulance. On the right,
this is how the tail-lights were
used to decorate the music room in the basement of our former home in Chambésy,
(Below) This rear bumper off a 1959 Eldorado - with working lights -
graced the outside of our garage.

(Left) the tail end of this thirties-based Ford (?)
hot-rod caught my attention at a car meet in PA in 1991. These
1959 Cadillac tail-light lenses have been adroitly converted to the "blue
dot" kind, popular in the thirties.
On the right, these two blue-dot '59 tail-light lenses were offered for sale at
auction on e-Bay in January 2000!
Champagne anyone?
by Peter Wilding Frey
[ Photo by Mel Melcon ]

Matchbook cover from the collection of
Jean-Michel Roux, Switzerland
1959 Cadillac Seats, Sofas, Beds,
The places Cadillacs will go!

On show in Paris
Cars of the American Car Club de France

Left: this superb Series 62 convertible
belonged to my friend the late Philippe Dauliach, a modest potter in one of France's
most barren and remote areas (Lozère). Philippe wanted to get away from the humdrum
of city life ...but he also wanted to
keep the '59. The beautiful setting is the Dauliach pottery.
Right: my former '59 Coupe de Ville in company
with Roger Zimmermann's mint '56 Sedan de Ville at the European office of the
U.N., in Geneva, Switzerland.
Since I took that picture (in the mid-eighties) a barbed wire fence
now surrounds the austere building, with observation
posts at various strategic locations, all manned by the Swiss military. What
are the "united nations" coming to?

We admired yet another Series 62 convertible
(this one from Germany), when we
were guests of Magali and Genevieve Keyaerts at their Château home in
France in 1992

This sad looking Eldorado Biarritz was
snapped in Damascus, Syria,
in September 2001, by Joelle Leuba, a former neighbor of ours in Switzerland;
note that the trunk lip "ELDORADO" trim has been put on the front
[ Photo: © 2001, Joelle Leuba ]

Dreams are free ...but not this triple Persian Sand
Eldorado Biarritz that Gita and I drooled over in Ohio, in 1994

On a Channel cruise in 1999 [ touching on England,
France, Belgium and Holland], Gita and I were treated to this
1959 Series 62 convertible belonging to Frits Mast, a member of the Dutch Cadillac-LaSalle
1959 Cadillac Tragedies

This 1959 Eldorado Seville coupe is known as
the "murder car"
because its defunct owner was shot in it.

This Series 60 Special caught fire and was
all but destroyed
[ Photo: Courtesy Cadillac-LaSalle Club of Australia ]
I hate to end on a dramatic note, but I took these
photos of a 1959 Cadillac 6-window Sedan de Ville
in France, in July 1961. Sadly, six people lost their lives in this wreck when the
car skidded out
of control on France's treacherous 3-lane "N7" road near Valence,
wrapping itself around a tree
[ Photos: © 1961, Yann Saunders ]
For more 1959 Cadillac oddities you may refer also
to the "Dream Car" section for 1959 by clicking here.
If any readers have other, similar treasures, I shall be glad to feature them here

(résumé en français)
La Cadillac année 1959 est à la voiture
américaine ce que la Statue de la Liberté est au port de New York Elle est aimée
ou haïe; il n'y a pas de juste milieu. Mais que vous l'adoriez ou que vous la haïssiez,
elle reste. Elle restera aussi longtemps que les hamburgers, le Coca-Cola et (avec
tout le respect qu'on lui doit) la banière étoilée.
Il s'agit de l'art automobile poussé à
l'extrême. On n'a jamais rien vu de pareil et on ne verra plus jamais rien de
Le Hard Rock Café de Los Angeles se
distingue par le coupé Cadillac de couleur vert pomme qui paraît avoir aterri sur son
toit, le nez dans le béton. Clouée au gazon, sur le campus d'une université
américaine, une Cadillac de 1959 grandeur nature s'élève en monument célébrant
l'excès; son symbolisme n'est pourtant pas évident. Un groupe de jeunes
artistes californiens qui ont pour nom Ant Farm ont bricolé dans les années soixante-dix
une Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz de 1959 et l'ont fait traverser un mur de postes TV en
flammes ...au nom de l'art; ces mêmes jeunes gens [aujourd'hui bien plus agés] ont aussi
enterré une Cad '59 jusqu'au parebrise dans le terre du Texas en compagnie de neuf
consoeurs des années quarante, cinquante et soixante. Ou cela s'arretera-t-il?
En parcourant ces pages vous allez
découvrir une série d'images pour le moins étonnantes qui ont toutes un point commun:
les ailerons ou les feux arrières en forme d'obus qui sont la marque des Cadillac
de 1959.
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© 2000, Yann
Saunders [aka Mr. Cadillac]
[ Background image: 1959 Cadillac Eldorado Biarritz tail-fins, courtesy
Georg Pfeiffer, Austria ]