Facts: V8 Series "61", "60-S",
"65" and "75" [see also V16 section] styling departure on new "60
Special" model, no running boards (hidden behind doors ???], spare tire removed to
trunk, substantial increase in glass area, gear lever moved from floor position to
steering wheel column. Specifications [from Series "60" catalog : 90° V8,
L-head, 3½x4½" bore and stroke, 346 cu" displacement, 135BHP at 3400 rpm,
3-point rubber mounts, down-draft carburetor, 22-gall fuel tank, 11" single-plate
clutch, Syncro-Mesh transmission, Syncromatic steering column mounted shift lever, 3-beam
asymmetrical lighting, Knee-Action front suspension, Bendix super hydraulic brakes,
Hotchkiss drive, hypoid rear axle, gear ratio 3.92-1, worm & roller steering mechanism
, 58" front tread, 59" rear tread, rigid X-frame, front and rear ride
stabilizers, low pressure 4-ply 7.00x16 tires, large chrome disc hub caps, 124" wheel
base (Series 60 LaSalle), 127" (Series 60 Special), 132" (Series 65),
141.25" (Series 75 and Series 90), 159" commercial chassis), 161" (Series
75 commercial chassis) [[thanks to Database Guest Book visitor, Chris Bryant, for
correcting me on wheel base sizes]]. Over-all length 20111/16", four body types [Series
"60"], all with "No-Draft" ventilation, Nuvo Cord or Broadcloth
upholstery, roomy luggage compartment on all cars.
Easy ID: All series except V16, group of three sets of
four horizontal bars forming decorative hood louvers; Series 60 and 60S cars have numerous
horizontal grille bars stretching around sides of squared-off nose; other Series have
wider, curved egg-crate grille. V16 has three broad, horizontal hood louvers and similar
flashes on front and rear fenders. New look for V16 models. Wider, fine-mesh, egg-crate
grille; same hood side vents and decorative fender spears as 1934-1937.

The new Series Sixty-Special by Bill

Series 65 touring sedan

Series 75 sedan and limousine style

Two 1938 convertible coupe styles. Left, Series
60, V8; right, Series 90, V16
V16 ID: Viewed from profile view, styles 9019, 9019F 9023
and 9033 all look alike; to distinguish between them you must look at the interior layout
to check for partitions and folding jump seats; despite the look-alike ID numbers, styles
9033 and 9033F do NOT look alike in profile (one has quarter windows and no leather roof,
the other has a leather roof and no quarter windows); on the other hand, styles 9019 and
9019F look the same in profile but the "F" car has a division; styles 9033F and
9059 have the same profile; again, to distinguish between them you need to look at the
interior layout for opera seats or regular fold-away jump seats.
Models: [complete >>>>>], Series 60 convertible,
CC&CC 2/1985, p.10; Series
60S story and photos SIA 4/1981, cover page + pp.10-17; also TQ, 1-2
/87, pp.8-11; (C&D card set); SCC pp.71-73; details front grille, wheel
covers, hood side vents, tail-lights, engine comp., instrument panel, steering wheel,
trunk, inner door, rear view, clock, specifications, some custom models, SIA62,
cover, p.10-17; CLCA 30th anniversary issue pp.30-34; 1978, p.8; (notes), p.38;
Series 75 Limousine rear view, CLCA 1981, p.34, and Series 75 side
view, CLCA 1979, p.34; Series 60S 4-dr. convertible [one of two] and Series 60S 2-door
Coupe proposal, CLCA 1973, p.5 and SIA4/1981, p.15 [said to have been used
by William Knudsen before WW2]; V16 Town Car style 9053 (C&D card set - Katie
Robbins); custom town car by Franay [operated for some time as hire-car in Geneva,
Switzerland], poor photo [???]; Sport Roadster by Brunn, story in CC&CC 2/1990
{***}; Series 75 (V8) and 90 (V16) cars feature a darker dash and dark brown dash knobs
and shift knob; other series had cream/beige hue; convertible for queen, CLC, 3/78,
pp.2-3. V16 unique style (1) 9002 special fastback sedan for GM President William
S. "Bunkie" Knudsen, (2) rare style 9006 Presidential parade car for
secret service (2 built for use by the Roosevelt administration); these were later
converted to V8 engines; Decatur, Illinois Cadillac dealer Jack Tallman later bought one
of them and Belgian collector Charly de Pauw bought the other; when the latter died it was
bought for the Mahy collection which has now become the Belgian national collection); (3)
9019 5-passenger touring sedan (43 built), (4) 9019F 5-passenger Imperial touring
car (division) (5 built), (5) 9023 7-passenger touring sedan (full-sized jump
seats) (65 built), (6) 9029 5-passenger convertible sedan (13 built, of which one
is reported to have been used by screen star W.C. Fields); (7) 9033 7-passenger
imperial touring sedan (division and full-sized jump seats) (95 built); (8) 9033F
7-passenger formal touring sedan (no quarter windows, division, full-sized jump seats) (17
built of which one was purchased by actress Mae West; she later donated it to a Catholic
girls' school; it was later acquired by band leader Duke Schaeffer, then V16 author Roy
Schneider; I saw it again on the auction block in the Nineties); (9) 9039
5-passenger town sedan (shorter body, no quarter windows) (20 built); (10) 9053
7-passenger town car (open chauffeur compartment, full-sized jump seats) (11 built of
which one, body number 8, had a special top and trunk treatment; one of these town cars
was bought by wealthy Italian Countess Rosario de Schiffner whose daughters donated it at
her death to Cardinal Spellman of New York who had it placed in the Vatican fleet; it was
reportedly used on occasion by His Holiness Pope Pius XI; it was subsequently acquired by
Nicola Bulgari, the Roman jeweler, then by a French collector at St. Marcel-les-Valence,
before it came to Switzerland in the Eighties); (11) 9057 2-passenger coupe
(folding auxiliary seats) (11 built of which one was bought by the actor W.C. Fields and
fitted with a special front seat; Fields reportedly used also a V16 convertible sedan); (12)
9057B 5-passenger coupe (full-width seat in rear) (8 built); (13) 9059 5-passenger
formal sedan (leather roof, no quarter windows, division, opera seats) (8 built); (14)
9067 2-passenger convertible coupe (10 built, of which one was bought by Gary Cooper). The
1938 V16 engine numbers are 5270001 thru 5270315 of which 4 were not assigned to cars. Of
the three bare chassis left over from the 1938 V16 production, one is included above
[#9002, built for the then Cadillac President, William S. Knudsen]; another received a
similar body and was built for Alfred P. Sloan, then GM President; nothing is known of the
last of these three 1938 V16 chassis. Article by Ernest Seaholm in AI, 27.11.1937.
Check out this interesting style 6519 sedan!
Trivia: (1) A 1938 style 9053 V16 Town Car was given by
the daughters of its first owner (Countess Rosario De Larrechea De Schiffner) to Cardinal
Francis Spellman of New York. He had it delivered to the Vatican garage in Rome
where it was used occasionally by H.H. Pope Pius XI (this information is from a press
cutting relating to another Cadillac [a 1960 model, used by H.H. Pope John XXIII] that was
re-called from the Vatican, along with many 1960 models, owing to a steering defect). The
'38 ultimately became known as the "Vatican V16". (2) The Imperial Palace
at Las Vegas had W.C. Fields' black 1938 V16 sedan [OCW 1991 or 1992?]; the car was
sold to the Vegas Museum by Carlotta Monti, Fields' mistress; it had a bar and an electric
martini mixer [the comedian was known to like his drink!]
"60-S" CLCA 1973, pp.2-11; C/C, 3/85,
p.8-20, also in CA 3/1985, pp.8-20, excellent photos, including '41 front & RR,
hood emblem, mascot, instrument panel, seats, , '38 factory photo, side, '39 with sun
roof, '40 front & RR, specifications, designer's drawing, prices & production;
Facts: V8 Series "61", "60-S" and
"75" [see also V16 section] complete restyling [except V16 models], slanted
"V"-shaped grille, more glass area to all models, automatic adjusting rear
springs, optional sunshine roof, optional no running boards, 4" shorter wheel base
despite more inside room.
Easy ID: All series except V16, have triangular, cat-walk
grilles on either side of radiator grille. V16 is like 1938, except rear license moved to
trunk handle.
V16 ID: Basic body shells remain unchanged from 1938;
modified instrument panel design; minor changes to running board edges, license plate
moved from stanchion on LH rear tail-light to position above trunk handle, outer edge of
bumpers slope inwards, new lower fin atop tail-lights. Viewed from profile view, styles
9019, 9019F 9023 and 9033 all look alike; to distinguish between them you must look at the
interior layout to check for partitions and folding jump seats; despite the look-alike ID
numbers, styles 9033 and 9033F do NOT look alike in profile (one has quarter windows and
no leather roof, the other has a leather roof and no quarter windows); on the other hand,
styles 9019 and 9019F look the same in profile but the "F" car has a division;
styles 9033F and 9059 have the same profile; again, to distinguish between them you need
to look at the interior layout for opera seats or regular fold-away jump seats.
Models: (V8 models only) Series "61",
four body types, wheel base 126", over-all length 207¼". Series "60-S,
one body type: 5-passenger
Touring Sedan wheel base 127", over-all length 214¾". Story and
photos of "75" formal Sedan, CC&CC 12/1984, pp.34-39; details
including grille emblem, front ensemble, headlights, instrument panel, rear seat, engine ,
rear view, specifications; convertible, SIA67, p.21, also CLCA 1977, p.42;
rear view of "60S", CLCA 1978, p.29; color photo of "60-S" with
sun-roof [225 built] CC&CC 2/1985, p.11; "60-S" art., CC&CC
1/1989{***}; "61" convertible Coupe, CLCA 1985, p.31; "61"
Sedan (special issue CCIX, p.26); "60-S", CLCA 1973, p.6; Superior
hearse, rear and side views, SIA 20, p.47; Series "75", Histoire de
l'Automobile (Atlas) p. 244/5; "75" 2-door convertible coupe (C&D
card set), also CLC5/96, pp.10-11 (27 built - five survivors, one reported in
London, UK); "75" Fleetwood limousine (CCI, 27:1), convertible CS11,
p.52, custom 7p.convertible Sedan by Nordberg of Sweden, SIA9, p.45; contemporary
artist's rendering of formal Limousine, CC&CC 1/1986, p.52; town car (possibly
Derham), SIA78, p.37; convertible Sedan, SIA107, pp.50-55, 64; Brunn special
Town car (CCI, 29:3), other Brunn special (CCI, 27:1, 28:1); 1938
convertible sedans (two) by Ramseier, Worblaufen, Switzerland (photos in "Pre-War
Custom" album).
V16 styles (Series 90): No presidential parade car this
year; 9019 5-passenger touring sedan (13 built); 9019F 5-passenger Imperial touring car
(division) (only 2 built); 9023 7-passenger touring sedan (full-sized jump seats) (18
built); 9029 5-passenger convertible sedan (4 built); 9033 7-passenger imperial touring
sedan (division and full-sized jump seats) (60 built); 9033F 7-passenger formal touring
sedan (no quarter windows, division, full-sized jump seats) (8 built); 9039 5-passenger
town sedan (shorter body, no quarter windows) (only 2 built); 9053 7-passenger town car
(open chauffeur compartment, full-sized jump seats) (5 built); 9057 2-passenger coupe
(folding auxiliary seats) (6 built); 9057B 5-passenger coupe (full-width seat in rear) (5
built) ; 9059 5-passenger formal sedan (leather roof, no quarter windows, division, opera
seats) (4 built); 9067 2-passenger convertible coupe (7 built). Engine numbers: 5290001
thru 5290138 of which 2 were not assigned to cars. Of the two chassis left over from the
1939 V16 production, one received a special Town Car body by the Derham company of
Rosemont. It is pictured in Roy Schneider's book Sixteen Cylinder Motor Cars, on
page 151 [center, LH side].
Trivia: V16 style 9053, body #4, was sold at the Auburn
Auction, 1995.
Facts: V8 Series "62", "60-S",
"72", "75" and "90"] 41 models offered in 7 Series
[including La Salle - last year for this model], 15th in sales ranking for U.S. cars; Series
62, 60S, 72 [as large and luxurious but cheaper than "75"], 75, 90; wheel
base stretched 3" (7,62cm), compared to 1939 "61", sealed-beam headlights
and directional signals, concealed door hinges, push-button rear door locks [first time],
running boards optional , new torpedo-type C body, 16" wheels, weight from 3956-4230
depending on body, chrome & plastic goddess [last year for this standing type];
derelict model: photo in Car Collector, 11/85, p.4;
Easy ID: All series except V16, again have triangular,
cat-walk grilles on either side of radiator grille, but grouped in threes, with spaces
between. V16 is like 1938, except new tail-light wrapped around trailing edge of rear

Unlike other 1940 models, the tail-lights on this
"72" limousine are mounted high on the sides of the trunk

(Left) rear of the Series "72"
[missing bumper guards],
(right) rear of the other Series, in this case the "60 Special"
V16 ID: Basic body shells remain unchanged from 1938;
again, modified instrument panel design; entirely redesigned tail-lights ...sans
fins. Viewed from profile view, styles 9019, 9023 and 9033 look alike; to distinguish
between them you must look at the interior layout to check for partitions and folding jump
seats; despite the look-alike ID numbers, styles 9033 and 9033F do NOT look alike in
profile (one has quarter windows and no leather roof, the other has a leather roof and no
quarter windows); styles 9033F and 9059 have the same profile; again, to distinguish
between them you need to look at the interior layout for opera seats or regular fold-away
jump seats.
Models: The all-new Series 62 Touring Sedan replaced the
1939 Series 61; its wheel base was 3" longer and 4302 were built. The 1940 cars had
sealed-beam headlights, directional signals, concealed door hinges; there was a new
torpedo "C" body by Fisher; wheel base was 129", weight 4032 lbs (an
increase of 215 lbs); base price was $1745. Options included an automatic lighter,
flexible steering wheel, front grille guard, license frames, push-button radio with
cowl-mounted antenna, heating-ventilating-defrosting system, whitewall tires (which put
the price up to $1950 - the dealer list price was $1394.74).
Models: (V8 models only) Three series as follows :
"62", "72" and "75". Motor numbers on Series
"62" [129" wheel base]: 8320001-8325903, on Series "72"
[138" wheel base]: 7320001-7321525; on Series "75" [141" wheel
base]: 3320001-3320956; "62" d-door convertible (C&D card set);
custom 2-door convertible by B&S (C&D card set). Fisher body styles
were as follows: (1) 6219 5-passenger Sedan, 4030 lbs $1745 (4242) [article in C&P,
date ???, pp.24-26]; (id) crated, knocked down] (60); (2) 6227 4-passenger Coupe,
3940 lbs $1685 (1322); (3) 6229 Convertible Sedan, 4230 lbs $2195 (75); (4)
6267 Convertible Coupe, 4045 lbs, $1795 (200); Series 62 129" chassis (1); (5)
7219 5-passenger Sedan, 4670 lbs. $2670 (455); (6) 7219F with division. 4710 lbs
$2790 (100); (7) 7223 7-passenger Sedan, 4700 lbs, $2785 (305); (8) 7223L,
7-passenger Sedan, 4700 lbs, $2690 (25); (9) 7233 7-passenger Imperial, 4740 lbs,
$2915 (292); (10) 7233F with division. 4780 lbs, $3695 ( 20); (11) 7259
Formal Sedan, 4670 lbs, $3695 (18); Series 72, 165" wheel base chassis (275). Fleetwood
body styles were: (12) 6019S 5-passenger Sedan [images below], 4070 lbs, $2090
(4242); (13) 6019SA with sun roof, 4085 lbs, $2175 (230); (14) 6019F with
division. 4110 lbs, $2230 (110); (15) 6019AF with sun roof, 4125 lbs, $2315 (3); (16)
6053LB Town Car, 4365 lbs, $3820 (6); (17) 6053MB Town Car, 4355 lbs, $3465 (9); (18)
7519 5-passenger Sedan, 4900 lbs, $2995 (155); (19) 7519F (id) with division, 4940
lbs, $3155 (25); (20) 7523 7-passenger Sedan, 4930 lbs, $3210 (66); (21)
7529 Convertible Sedan, 5110 lbs, $3945 (45); story TQ, 3-4/79, pp4-6; (22)
7533L with division, 4900 lbs, $3295 (6); (23) 7533 7-passenger Imperial, 4970 lbs,
$3360 (338); (24) 7533F 7-passenger Formal, 5010 lbs, $3995 (42); (25) 7539
5-passenger Town Sedan, 4935 lbs, $3635 (14); (26) 7553 7-passenger Town Car, 5195
lbs, $5115 (14); (27) 7557 2-passenger Coupe, 4785 lbs, $3280 (30); (28)
7557B 5-passenger Coupe, 4810 lbs, $3380 (12); (29) 7559 5-passenger Formal, 4900
lbs, $3995 (48); (30) 7567 Convertible Coupe, 4915 lbs, $3380 (30); (31)
Series 75, 141" chassis (3); Series 75, 161" chassis (52). Story and photos of
"62" 4-door convertible sedan, SIA 4/1971, pp.30-34, (C&D card
set); details of front grille, hood emblem, door center pillar, tail light, instrument
panel + ash receiver, sill plate, chrome window channel shield, hood goddess, engine ,
rear seat, specifications; formal Sedan, CLCA 1987, p.35; assembly line, factory
photo, SIA4, p.33; "60-S" photo in CA 8/86, p.95;
"60-S" town car, CLCA 1973, p.7; custom "60-S" [same issue,
p.10]; Town car, CLCA 1973, p.30; "60-S" rear view, CLCA 1973,
p.37; "60-S" 4-door Sedan (C&D card set); prices & production
figures, SIA4, p.32; "62" sedan (4302 units, 4032 lbs, 215 13/16
or 548,16cm long, $1745). C&P (???) pp.4-6, including front, rear, Goddess,
wheel, speedometer, instrument panel, door detail, rear seat; accessories:
automatic lighter, flexible steering wheel, front grille guard, license frames,
push-button radio, cowl antenna, ventilation, heater-defroster, wheel covers, whitewalls;
Bohman & Schwartz custom convertible, in TQ, 9-10/85, pp.10-111; superb photos,
CA 4/1993, pp.3, 24-27, rear cover; V16 Town Car, SIA78, p.36. For optional
equipment and prices, refer to Sch40. Total production for 1940 was as follows:
37176 units of which 24130 La Salle and 13046 Cadillac.

1940 Cadillac Series 60 Special sedan
V16 styles: Again no presidential parade car this year; (32)
9019 5-passenger touring sedan (4 built); (33) 9023 7-passenger touring sedan
(full-sized jump seats) (9 built); (34) 9029 5-passenger convertible sedan (2
built); (35) 9033 7-passenger imperial touring sedan (division and full-sized jump
seats) (20 built); (36) 9033F 7-passenger formal touring sedan (no quarter windows,
division, full-sized jump seats) (5 built - one was purchased by notorious gangland boss,
Al Capone); (37) 9039 5-passenger town sedan (shorter body, no quarter windows)
(only 1 built); (38) 9053 7-passenger town car (open chauffeur compartment,
full-sized jump seats) (only 2 built, one bought by singer-actor Eddie Cantor); (39)
9057 2-passenger coupe (folding auxiliary seats) (only 2 built); (40) 9057B
5-passenger coupe (full-width seat in rear) (only 1 built); (41) 9059 5-passenger
formal sedan (leather roof, no quarter windows, division, opera seats) (only 2 built); (42)
9067 2-passenger convertible coupe (only 2 built). 1940 engine numbers: 53200001 thru
5320061 of which 10 were not assigned to cars [I wonder what happened to them???]. The
single chassis left over from the 1940 V16 production received a special 2-passenger Coupe
body by the Derham company of Rosemont. It is pictured in Roy Schneider's book Sixteen
Cylinder Motor Cars, on page 151 [lower], also SCC, p.74.
Story TQ 11-12/87, pp.7-13.
Book Car Spotters Encyclopaedia, 1940-1980, pp.39-42, line
Facts: V8 Series "61", "62",
"63", "60-S", "67" and "75"; 26 models offered in
6 series, 15th in U.S. car sales ranking, 90° V-type engine, 346 cubic inches (5670cm³),
150 HP @ 3400, comp.ratio 7.5:1, all cars 20 gallons. except "75" which takes 24
gallons; tires 7.00 x 15, except "67" & "75" with 7.50 x 16;
concealed running boards on "61", "63" and "67"; spare tire
now vertical in trunk, electric-powered glass division; engine more accessible, gas-filler
under LH tail-light, optional "economy" rear axle, new handbrake linkage; two
different . Stromberg carburetors; U.S. govt. order to halt automobile production was
given [became effective?] on 2.2.42; Hydra-Matic transmission was big news in 1941
[optional at extra cost - $110 - 30% of buyers picked it]; the system consisted of a fluid
coupling, four forward speeds and reverse controlled by a hydraulic "brain"
[from 1946 the Hydra-Matic went to four forward speed ranges]; it was pioneered by
Oldsmobile on their 1940 models; lower prices [starting at $1345], sales doubled from last
(history): CLCA/91 50th Anniversary Salute
to the 1941 models; photos in 1940 "Motor" annual.
(accessories): article in CLCA 1991. p.15, Sch40
pp.187-189, 192
Easy ID: All series have new, horizontal egg-crate grille
made up of 10 horizontal bars and inner vertical spacers. Oblong, narrow vent grille on
either side of hood.
Models: No more V16; six V8 series: "61",
"62", "63" and "60-S" on 126" wheel base (320,04cm),
"67" on 139" wheel base (353,06cm) and "75" on 136" wheel
base (345,44cm). "61" engine numbers 5340001-5369258, "62"
8340001-8364734, "63" 7340001-7345050, Series "60-S"
6340001-6344101; Series "67" 9340001-9340922, Series "75"
3340001-3342104. Fisher body styles were as follows: (1) 6109 5-passenger Sedan,
4065 lbs, $1445 (10925); (2) 6109D De luxe model, 4085 lbs, $1535 (3495); (3)
6127 5-passenger Coupe, 3985 lbs, $1345 (11812); (4) 6127D De luxe model, 4005 lbs,
$1435 (3015); 61 Chassis only (3); (5) 6219 5-passenger Sedan, 4030 lbs, $1495
(8012); (6) 6219D
De luxe model, 4050 lbs, $1585 (7754); (id) [crated, knocked down] (96); (7)
6227 4-passenger Coupe,
3950 lbs, $1420 (1985); (8) 6227D De luxe model, 3970 lbs, $1510 (1900); (9)
6267D De luxe Convertible,
4035 lbs, $1645 (3100); (10) 6229D De luxe Convertible Sedan,
4230 lbs, $1965 (400); 62 126" chassis (4); 62 163" chassis (1475); (11) 6319 5-passenger Sedan, 4100 lbs,
$1695 (5050); (12) 6719 5-passenger Sedan, 4618 lbs, $2595 (315); (13) 6719F
with division, 4755 lbs, $2745 (95), (14) 6723 7-passenger Sedan, 4678 lbs, $2735
(280); (15) 6733 (id) with division, 4810 lbs, $2890 (210). Fleetwood body styles
were: (16) 6019
5-passenger Sedan, 4230 lbs, $2195 (3693); (17) 6019A (id) with sun
roof, 4245 lbs, $2280 (185); (18) 6019F with division, 4290 lbs, $2345 (220); (19)
6053LB Town Car (1); 60 chassis only (1); (20) 7519 5-passenger Sedan, 4810 lbs,
$2995 (422); (21) 7519F (id) with division, 4860 lbs, $3150 (132); (22) 7523
7-passenger Sedan, 4800 lbs, $3140 (405); (23) 7523L (id) with auxiliary seats,
4750 lbs, $2895 (54); (24) 7533L (id) with division, 4900 lbs, $3295 (6); (25)
7533 7-passenger Imperial, 4935 lbs, $3295 (757); (26) 7533F 7-passenger Formal
Sedan, 4915 lbs, $4045 (98): (27) 7559 5-passenger Formal Sedan, 4905 lbs, $3920
(75); 75 136" chassis (5); 75 163" chassis (150) [unidentified "75" limousine]. More info.: Series "62" Coupe story &
photos, CLCA 1979, pp.14-19 and rear cover; "62" convertible Coupe story
& photos, SIA 9-10/1976, pp.50-55, 62-63, details, "bird's eye" view,
front grille, hood emblem & crest, gas-filler, window channel cover, trunk, rear
fender skirts, hood mascot, "Fleetwood" fender script, casting under headlight
[fog-lamp position], crest on front edge of hood side panel, instrument panel, engine ,
specifications; more photos SIA80, pp.44-51; also article CC&CC 7/1991,
pp.34-35, also CLC (???) of F Herrero; convertible Sedan, CLCA 1989, cover and
p.12-19; Hot Rod, NIT 137, pp.60-61, SIA113, pp.16-23; Will Starrett
woody, NIT special M1602-2, p.79; SIA 36, pp.50-58 and pp.62-63; front
ensemble photo, CLCA 1978, p.11; "75" Limousine, small photo, CLCA
1985, p.35; "61" Coupe with rear skirts, CLCA 1979, p.35;
"60-S", rear view, CLCA 1974, p.25; "60-S" proposal, CLCA
1973, p.8; custom "60-S" [same issue, p.10]; exc. color photo, cover of CLC
10/90 (rear 3/4, LH side); "The Duchess", "60-S" for Duke &
Duchess of Windsor [same issue, p.11]; "62" sedan, article in CLC 9/92,
p.8; "63" Limousine, rear view, CLCA 1974, p.30; Series "67"
Limousine, SIA85, pp.54-63; story of styling development, by Michael Lamm, SIA,
9-10/1976, pp.56-58; prices and weights, SIA, 9-10/ 1976, p.63; sculptured hearse, SIA
20, p.47; article in CC&CC, 6/1975{***}; list of optional and accessories:
including Hydra-Matic $110, radio $125, heaters, auxiliary driving lights $14.50,
spot-light $18.50, wheel shields [fender skirts] $35, special steering wheel $ $32.50 seat
covers 48.75 and cushions, misc. robes [Fleetwood robe $55], second spare wheel (except on
Coupe) $38, "Sunshine" roof $85, chemicals, "group" accessories,
"Past" model accessories, back-up light $7.50, mirrors, No-Rol [for holding car
on hill], windshield washer $7.50, vacuum aerials, day-night rear view mirror $4.50,
outside rear view mirror $4.50; sectional view of engine, S40, p.200; two 1941 Cadillac
Limousines painted by Salvador Dali, "Automobile & Culture, p.116. Original size
given as 19 3/4" x 15 1/2" (HW coll.); good photo of 1941 assembly line in
catalog "From Peace to War" [1943-44]; list of options and prices in Sch40.
Cadillac 1941 vs. Packard 160: SIA80, pp.44-51; SIA #159, pp.
8-15,on Series 63; Buick 90 vs. Cadillac 1941 Series 67, article by Ron Van Gelderen in CLCA93,
pp. 20-23. Story of surviving Series 82 convertible coupe in France, V8, #4,

The luxurious Series 75 cars used the same
body shell through 1949
Trivia: Victorious Ike Eisenhower paraded in Kansas City,
in 1945, aboard a 1941 Cadillac Series 6267 convertible; that car was [1995] in the Dick
Kughn collection, in Detroit, MI.
Article in CA, 12/1990, cover + pp.7, 48-65, excellent photos and
details including '41 "62" 4-door convertible Sedan, including instrument panel,
rear seat, engine , trunk, gas-filler '41-42 hood emblem, '41 "62" convertible
Coupe, '41 "75" Limousine, '41 "63" 4door Sedan front and rear, '41
"60-S", '42 "61" Coupe, '42 town car (Derham ???), M-24
"Chaffee" light tank, '46 "62" coupe front and rear, exterior color
chart, '47 "62" convertible Coupe, '47 "75" 7p.Sedan, '47
"62" Sedanet, prices & production.
Facts: On 27 May 1941 President Roosevelt declared a state
of national emergency. Auto production was greatly reduced. On 24 October 1941 the War
Production Board issued Passenger Car Limitation Order No. L-2b, banning bright work on
the last cars produced in 1941 and the few that were built in 1942. V8 Series
"61", "62", "63", "60-S", "67" and
"75"; 40th anniversary Cadillac, 22 models offered, 15th in U.S. car sales
ranking; 6 different. styles, Series "61" (42A-61 engine 5380001
up, 42B-61 53860001), and "63" (42A-63 7380001, 42B-63 7386001) on 126"
wheel base (320,04cm), Series "62" (42A-62 8380001, 42B-62 83860001) on
129" (327,66cm), "60-S" (42A-60S 6380001, 42B-60S 63860001) on
133"(337,82cm), "75" (42A-75 3380001, 42B-75 33860001) 136" (345,44cm)
and "67" (42A-67 9380001, 42B-67 93860001) 139" (353.06cm) takes 20
gallons.; new safety rear door locks, new cooling system, new Syncro-Mesh shifting system,
new design Carter carburetor on some engine s; initial 6000 "42A" Series used
extensive chrome, balance "42B" Series used lacquer and enamel in view of
wartime chromium shortage (cf. "Blackout order"); article . on 42s in CA,
12/1988, p.39; only 16511 Cads built 1942 before switchover to M-24 tanks, aircraft engine
parts and munitions; final pre-war car built 02.05.1942; swept-back fenders extending into
front doors [except "75" series], massive hatched grille, T-shaped hand-brake
release, airplane parts already being built for war effort.
Easy ID: All series have new, horizontal egg-crate grille
made up of 6 horizontal bars and inner vertical spacers; round parking lights in upper,
outside corners of grille; oblong, narrow vent grille on either side of hood is pointed
(spear-shaped) at the forward end.

1942 Fleetwood style 7519F (same as
our former car - only four
known survivors)

The Black Pryncess that we
owned for a few years

A third survivor; it was for sale in
December, 2011
Models: (V8 models only). Series "61" two
bodies, Series "62" five bodies, Series "63" one body, Series
"60-S" two bodies, Series "67" four bodies, Series "75" six
bodies. Specifications: 20-gallons fuel tank (24-gallons on Series "75"),
10½" single-plate clutch (11" on Series "67" and "75"),
sealed-beam safety lighting, flashing directional signals, new Super-Safe hydraulic brakes
operating in composite drums, 208 sq." braking area (233 sq." on Series
"67" and "75" cars), gear ratio 3.77 to 1 (Series "67" and
"75" 4.27 to 1), optional economy axle for Series "61",
"62", "63", "60-S" 3.36 to 1 (Series "67" and
"75" 3.77 to 1), new ball-bearing worm & nut steering, 59" front tread,
63" rear tread (Series "67" and "75" 58½" front ,
62½" rear), 4-ply, low-pressure 7.00x15 tires (Series "67" and
"75" 6-ply, 7.50x16), wheel base 126" (Series "61" and
"63"), 129" (Series "62"), 133" (Series "60-S"),
136" (Series "75"), 139" (Series "67"). "75"
Imperial Sedan photo, CLCA 1977, p.39; "7529" convertible sedan, TQ3-4/79
pp.5-7; misc. photos, CLCA 1987, p.22; hearse photo, CLCA 1973, p.37; town
car, CA 12/1988 ['42 Town Car, p.41]; formal Limousine, SIA78, p.34;
also Series "63" Sedanet with gas tank filler cap under tail-light; grille now
had only 6 horizontal bars. custom cars: dual-cowl phaeton, CLC, 7/81,
p.2. 1942 Series 62 coupe
(fastback), 1942 custom
town car, 1942 Series 63 sedan,
1942 Series 60 Special sedan, 1942 Cadillac hearse proposal.(1),
1942 ambulance proposal
(2), 1942 ambulance
proposal (3).
(facts - war production): Cadillac manufactured camshafts,
crankshafts, connecting rods, piston pins and reduction gear assemblies to very close
tolerances for military use; have collection of ads for this period, illustrating tanks
and planes in action, all with Cadillac engine or engine parts; vaunted Allison airplane
engine used in P-38 Lightning, P-39 Airacobra, P-40 Warhawk [made famous by Gen. Claire
Chennault's "Flying Tigers"], P-51 Mustang and P-63 Kingcobra.

ID "tip" for late pre-WW2 models:
Check out glass in doors; the date is generally engraved on each pane [I
got this tip from Katie Robbins, former President, Classic Car Club of America]. Can
anyone tell me when this practice began?