[Last update 02.05.2013]
The (new)
Cadillac Database©
Cadillac and La Salle Insignia
Cadillac Club badges
and miscellaneous medallions
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(un résumé en français se trouve en bas de page)
Many collectors and admirers of Cadillac and La Salle automobiles are fascinated, like me, by anything closely related to their favorite automobiles. Apart from obvious Cadillac collectibles such as sales and merchandising literature, hood mascots, crests and emblems that came on cars of those two grand marques, many well-heeled collectors are attracted also to anything with the Cadillac insignia on it, or that has a direct (and sometimes indirect) bearing on the history of the car or the company that built it.
In this section of the Database will be found badges and stickers from Cadillac clubs and enthusiast organizations around the world. If you have any item(s) you believe should be added here, please send me a small digital image (say, 4 x 5 inches) in JPEG format, and I will include it.
Now for some stickers and badges from Cadillac clubs and enthusiast organizations around the world. Currently, I have only a few of them and I'm counting on my readership to supply more for this page.
Not sure of the year of this Cadillac and La Salle Club badge
or the license plate header shown at the right
Original grill badge of the Cadillac La Salle Club, Inc.
[ current 1959-1965]
Above: three different cloisonné badges of the Cadillac La Salle Club, Inc.
[ current 1965 through the present ]
This large CLC emblem is from the collection of Matt Larson;
it may have been used as a decorative prop during a club outing
Left: the badge of the California-based Cadillac Club International
Center and right: badge and sticker of the Cadillac Club of Switzerland
(which I designed, using the wreath and crest from a 1921 Cadillac ad)
Badge of the Cadillac LaSalle Club
of Australia
Logo of the Cadillac & LaSalle Club of Belgium
Cadillac Club of Denmark, founded 2002
[ funny how many images with a red background get corrupted like this! ]
Swedish Cadillac Club emblem
Club Awards
Illustrated below
is the
most prestigious of the Cadillac & LaSalle Club awards:
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© 1996, Yann Saunders and the
Cadillac-LaSalle Club, Inc.
[ Background image: superimposed Cadillac and La Salle emblems, 1929 ]