[ last update: 12.03.2010 ]
The (new)
Cadillac Database©
Cadillac 1920-1921
The Eight-Cylinder Cadillac
Type 59
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1920 |
- | A Preference well founded (F.S. Bennett, GM-UK ad) |
(no image) |
? |
4) |
1920 |
- | More than ever before... [Don Lee ad] |
Custom Phae. |
? |
4) |
01.03.20 |
- | Isn't it perfectly natural for American women... |
Victoria |
- | |
0258a | 1920 | - | A preference well founded... |
Limousine | ILN | 4) |
0259 |
01.17.20 |
- | Women are essentially conservative... |
5p. Sedan |
- |
0260 |
01.31.20 |
- | It is our desire to be as temperate as possible... |
Std. 7p. car |
- |
0261 |
02.14.20 |
- | Do you realize the deep-seated satisfaction... |
[Limo., part] |
- |
0262 |
02.28.20 |
- | The greater grace and dignity... |
5p. Sedan |
- |
0263 |
03.20.20 |
- | It has taken seventeen years... |
[scientist] |
LD |
- |
0264 |
03.27.20 |
- | It is perfectly logical that Cadillac owners... |
Std. 7p. car |
- |
0265 |
04.10.20 |
- | The Cadillac Spirit... |
[none] |
- |
0266 |
Apr: 1920 |
- | It was quite natural that women... |
5p. Sedan |
- |
0267 |
May:1920 |
- | How often have you seen a woman's countenance... |
5p. Sedan |
- |
05.08.20 |
- | Cadillac possession is a sound investment... |
[front view] |
- | |
0269 |
05.22.20 |
- | One of the many reasons why women... |
Std. 7p. car |
- |
06.12.20 |
- | How true it is that the ardor of the Cadillac owner... |
Std. 7p. car |
LD |
- | |
0271 |
06.26.20 |
- | The truth that embodies all truth... (no car shown) |
[emblem] |
LD |
- |
07.10.20 |
- | The men who make the Cadillac... |
[front view] |
- | |
0273 |
Aug: 1920 |
- | It would be difficult to imagine... |
Std. 7p. car |
- |
0274 |
Aug: 1920 |
- | No one was more thrilled... |
[Woman] |
- |
0275 |
08.07.20 |
- | The vital phase in Cadillac goodness... |
Std. 7p. car |
LD |
- |
08.14.20 |
- | Greater than the great war Cadillac... |
Std. 7p. car |
- | |
0277 |
08.28.20 |
- | Isn't it almost needless... |
Victoria |
- |
0278 |
09.11.20 |
- | Over and over again the Cadillac proves... |
5p. Sedan |
- |
0279 |
09.25.20 |
- | Getting to your destination is one thing... |
5p. Sedan |
- |
0280 |
11.06.20 |
- | The workmanship on a Cadillac... |
[emblem] |
- |
0281 |
11.20.20 |
- | The workmanship and finish on the Cadillac... |
[emblem] |
- |
0282 |
12.04.20 |
- | Guesswork and uncertainty... |
Std. 7p. car |
- |
? |
- | (Italian dealership ad - G.B. Boni, Milan) |
Std. 7p. car |
Illustrazione Ital. |
4) | |
? |
- | (Italian dealership ad - G.B. Boni, Milan) La classica automobile a 8 cilindri... |
Std. 7p. car |
Illustrazione Ital. |
4) | |
? |
- | (Italian dealership ad - G.B. Boni, Milan) La magnifica vettura... |
Std. 7p. car |
Illustrazione Ital. |
4) | |
? |
- | (Italian dealership ad - G.B. Boni, Milan) |
Std. 7p. car |
Illustrazione Ital. |
4) | |
? |
- | (Italian dealership ad - G.B. Boni, Milan) L'unica meravigliosa macchina... |
Std. 7p. car |
Illustrazione Ital. |
4) | |
? |
- | (Italian dealership ad - G.B. Boni, Milan) La magnifica vettura... |
Std. 7p. car |
Illustrazione Ital. |
4) | |
? |
- | (Italian dealership ad - G.B. Boni, Milan) L'automobile di lusso a 8 cilindri... |
Std. 7p. car |
Illustrazione Ital. |
4) | |
? |
- | (Italian dealership ad - G.B. Boni, Milan) L'automobile a 8 cilindri... |
Std. 7p. car |
Illustrazione Ital. |
4) | |
0283 |
01.01.21 |
- | Constancy, the greatest quality of a great car... |
[front view] |
- |
0283a | ? |
- | Buoyant is the word... | [front view] |
[PR] |
4) |
0284 |
01.15.21 |
- | The one thing a Cadillac owner admires most... |
[family] |
- |
01.29.21 |
- | Distance literally lends enchantment... |
5p. Sedan, people |
- | |
0286 |
02.12.21 |
- | It is very probable that more people... |
[women] |
- |
0287 |
02.26.21 |
- | It is a pleasure to observe the joy... |
[interior] |
- |
02.12.21 |
- | Everyone rejoices in the beauty of the Cadillac... |
[ladies] |
- | |
0289 |
04.09.21 |
- | The world's greatest tribute to dependability... |
[none] |
- |
04.23.21 |
- | The Cadillac could not abate one iota... |
[2 ladies] |
- | |
0291 |
05.07.21 |
- | The thought most often uppermost... |
[man & girl] |
- |
0292 |
05.05.21 |
- | A message from the president... |
[emblem] |
- |
0293 |
05.21.21 |
- | The man who buys the Cadillac today... |
[man dog] |
- |
0294 |
06.18.21 |
- | The Cadillac did not spring... |
[couple & dog] |
- |
07.02.21 |
- | It might be said that there are two groups... |
[2 ladies] |
- | |
? |
- | (ad for New Era Spring Specialty Co.) |
LH 3/4 sdean |
4) | ||
0296 |
07.16.21 |
- | Give thought, for a moment... |
Std. 7p. Sedan |
- |
0297 |
07.30.21 |
- | Cadillac dependability is to be thought of... |
[front view] |
- |
[1921] |
- | [from Peter Ruch book on Cadillac] |
[grille+pin] |
? |
4) | |
[1921?] |
- | Illegible text [children looking at stationary touring car] |
Rdstr+Trg |
4) | |
0298 |
08.13.21 |
- | In Europe and America, for many years... |
[scientist] |
- |
0298a | ? | C | El dueño de un Cadillac (the owner of a Cadillac) - South American ad? | Touring Car | ? | 4) |
Trivia: Among the rarities I have seen in my quest for Cadillac-LaSalle ads is one published in the UK in the twenties (?) by England's Cadillac distributor, Frederick Stanley Bennett. There is no car illustrated. The short-and-to-the-point text reads thus: Many recent purchasers say their preference for the Cadillac rests on their knowledge of the service it gave as standard staff car for the American army in France. They assume correctly that the invariable mechanical integrity which made the Cadillac the car to use then makes it the car to own now. -- F.S. Bennett Limited, General Motors Limited, London S.W. 7
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© 1996, Yann
Saunders and the Cadillac-LaSalle Club, Inc.
[ Background image: excerpt of 1998 Eldorado ad - the fin is that of a 1960 Eldorado
model ]