Note: This page looks at the earliest of
all Cadillac sales catalogs; these were published more than 100 years ago. There is no one
around, from that era, to tell us the correct order in which they were published so I have
had to resort to guess work and logic to get them into what I think is the right order.
Logic dictates, for example, that a booklet listing 19 Cadillac agencies comes before one
listing 36 of them, which in turn must precede one listing 38 of them. Any other opinions
and suggestions would be welcome.
(1) Early [earliest?] piece seen in the Ford Museum archives, Dearborn,
in September 1994. The text on the inside of cover page infers that the item was published
before 1.1.1903; size approximately 8½x6",10 pp. including covers [p.7 was
missing]. Purple cover, title Cadillac Automobile Company in ornate frame
on cover (no silhouetted outlines); on p.1 we are told that the Cadillac factory is
located at #134 Cass Avenue in Detroit and that the showroom is at #265 Jefferson
Avenue; William E. Metzger is in charge of sales. There are no pictures of the
Cadillac factory nor any introductory text before the illustrations; there are no
illustrations of the motor or motor parts; the motor is said to develop 5 HP and to
be built for the Cadillac Automobile Company by the Leland & Faulconer Mfg.
Company. The text accompanying the illustrations has single and double
underlining; two cars are shown: the Cadillac Runabout (p.2) and the
same car fitted with a rear tonneau (p.3); there is no picture of the runabout with
top; the crank shaft is not mentioned, nor is the finish of the
radiator; the "safety device" and the axles by American Ball-Bearing
Company are mentioned (on pp.5-6) although these are omitted in a later, intermediate
catalog. In my reproduction copy, p.7 is missing; I am assuming it mentions
the standard body color (jet black only) {*}.

Don Rising, a member of the single-cylinder Cadillac club was very helpful in sending
me (in March, 1999) detailed descriptions of all the early Cadillac literature from 1903
to 1908, that had been researched by the late Phil Dumka. His order of
publication differs from mine so I have added (in italics) to my own, earlier
descriptions, the descriptions and date information supplied kindly by Don. His
introductory statement reads as follows: For 1903, Cadillac published several
versions of a 7½x5¼" purple catalog. The final version [my emphasis]
was titled "The Cadillac Automobile"; all other versions carried the title
"Cadillac Automobile Company", like a stock prospectus or annual report. The
cars were called "Cadillac", no mention of "Model A". Illustrations
were of prototypes, with 14-spoke wheels and odd-shaped engine covers. The only date was
January 1, 1903, on a dealer listing in the earliest catalog.
(1) I had listed this piece originally in the #2 slot, but after
Don mentioned the 36 dealers listed in this edition1,
I switched the position of these two catalogs. My copy is of the one held in
the National Automotive History Collection of the Detroit Public Library, in the
seventies. It is almost identical to the 1902 catalog (above) but there are
illustrations of the factory buildings on p.2 ("The Home of the Cadillac"),
and of the Leland & Faulconer Motor Works on p.15 ("Where the Motors are
Built"); the runabout with top is not illustrated; the order of
presentation of the mechanical components differs from #2, below; the word "makeup"
in the last line of the second paragraph. (on p.3) is spelled without a hyphen; there is a
comma after the word "that" on the first line of the third
paragraph. (on p.3); there is a comma after "replaced" on the 5th line,
1st paragraph. (on p.6); the word "enough" is spelled correctly at line
17 (on p.6); there is a space and a semi-colon after "burn out" on line
2 (p.7); the word "the" appears between the words "after"
and "metal" at line 17 (p.8); "can not" is written
as two words at line 22 (p.9); there is a comma after "precautions" on
line 8 of the paragraph. dealing with the spark plug (p.10); note words "we
go" four lines up from foot of p.10 and the comma after "that is to say",
3 lines up from foot of same page. The line spacing of the text is tighter than in
the second item, below; the crank shaft illustrated has an oiling hole and a geared
pinion2 (p.7), note "nickle
plate [sic], which makes for a handsome finish" at line 5 (p.11);
the "safety device", to prevent starting motor on early spark, and
"axles" by American Ball Bearing Company are mentioned (p.11); body
color shown as jet black (only) with wine colored running gear and trimmings
(p.12); nineteen Cadillac automobile agencies are listed as being in operation up to
1 Jan. 1903. This piece was printed by Raynor & Taylor, Printers, Detroit. Don Rising
lists this catalog as the first in the series; he gives the following description of it: 03-1
1903 CADILLAC single cylinder uncolored catalog, "Cadillac Automobile Company"
in yellow and silhouettes in black of four cars on two-tone purple cover, 7½x5¼",
16 pages plus card covers, two views of one model. Jet black body, nickle [sic]
plate on radiator, photos of factory, 19 dealers up to January 1, 1903 {*}
I have a period ad from 1902 (?) [Motor World] that lists 21 selling
agents, another from 1902 (?) [Motor Age] that lists 22,
and a third one from January 1, 1903 [Motor Age] that lists
34 of them, suggesting that the foregoing catalog was printed
in January 1903 or later;
2 Perhaps someone can explain to me the purpose of this cog wheel and why it
is absent in the next catalog?

(2) [Don Rising lists this as #4 in the series - I had listed it
initially as #1, in the absence of the last page which Don says lists 36 dealers; I am
assuming it would have been published before the piece that lists 38 dealers] There
are four silhouetted outlines on a purple cover below an ornate frame surrounding the
title Cadillac Automobile Company. Title page (p.1), introductory text
(p.2) describes The automobile that solves the problem (contrary to the issue
published in late 1902, this one has no underlining of text); Cadillac runabout (p.3), the
same car with top (p.4), the runabout with detachable tonneau (p.5), the motor (p.6) which
is said to develop 6½ HP, the word "enough" looks like it is spelled
"enongh" (last line on p.6), the water jacket (p.7), the shaft bearings
(p.8), the lubricator (p.9), two crank shafts are illustrated on (p.10); the
sturdier-looking one is used in the Cadillac; it is smooth [in this catalogs, it is
shown with no cogs - I assume the cogs were added in a later engine]; the
transmission gear (p.11), the Cadillac spark plug (p.12), "dead black"
radiator finish is mentioned (p.13) - again I am assuming that the black finish preceded
the nickel plated version; the "safety device" is not
mentioned [Leland is said to have added this device after a friend had been injured by the
crank of a back-firing engine]; the axles by American Ball-Bearing Company are not
mentioned either (pp.13-14); bodies are said to be offered in jet black or
rich maroon with wine colored running gear (p.14); pp.15-16 are missing from my copy; it
is believed that they include the prices for the detachable tonneau and tops (p.15) and a
list of Cadillac Automobile Agencies (p.16). Don describes it thus:
03-4 1903 CADILLAC single cylinder uncolored catalog, "The Cadillac
Automobile" in gray on purple cover, 7½x5¼, 16 pages plus card covers, 3 views of
one model. Mostly same as [Don's] 03-2 and 03-3, except rich
maroon body color added, as well as an updated list of 36 dealers, "and
(3) [seen for sale on eBay in March, 2004] Title: The
Cadillac Automobile, purple, stapled covers, 16 pp., 53/8x7½",
The Automobile That Solves the Problem (p.2), Cadillac Runabout
(p.3), Cadillac Runabout with Top (p.4), Cadillac Runabout with Detachable
Tonneau (p.5), Motor (p.7), Water Jacket (p.7), Shaft Bearings
(p.8), Lubricator (p.9), Crank Shaft (p.10), Transmission Gear
(p.11), Spark Plug (p.12) and Equalizing Gears [no pic.]. The Radiator
[copper tubing painted black], Steering Mechanism, Muffler, Throttle
Lever and Wheels and Tires (p.13), Framework, Wood
Work, Upholstering, etc., removing the body from the running gear, the
tops, colors and Tonneau (p.14), Price List of Accessories
(tonneau, leather top and rubber top) (p.15), Guarantee and list of 36 Cadillac Automobile
Agencies (p.16).

The early catalogs show only the two basic models,
being the runabout [left]
(also shown with cape top - center) and the runabout with demountable tonneau [right]
(3) Almost identical to item (1), above, except that neither
the Cadillac factory nor the engine factory are illustrated on pp.2 and 15; again,
the word "enough" is spelled correctly (p.6); but now 38 Cadillac
Automobile Agencies are listed on p.16. Don Rising identifies this piece as the
second in the series. he describes it thus: 03-2 1903 CADILLAC single
cylinder uncolored catalog, "Cadillac Automobile Company" in yellow and
silhouettes in black of 4 cars on two-tone purple cover, 7½x5¼", 16 pages plus card
covers, three views of one model. Jet black body, black radiator, no photos of
factory, 38 dealers. The catalog that Don identifies as #3 in the series is
said to be the same as his #2 [now also my #2]: 03-3 1903 CADILLAC single cylinder
uncolored catalog. Same as 03-2 except 36 dealers [I would have thought
that the earlier piece would have had the one listing the fewer number of dealers, i.e.
Don's #4, above]. This may be the catalog, published in 1903, mentioned in
my initial listing here, which I believe I had glimpsed at the Ford Museum, Greenfield
Village in Dearborn, MI.
(5) Various magazine advertisements in my collection which depict
1903-04 Models A and B mention the following booklets as being available:
- None mentioned in ads published November 27, 1902 in Motor World
- None mentioned in ad published December 11, 1902 (Source? - Advertisements, p.26)
- None mentioned in an ad published on January 1, 1903 in Motor Age (p.26)
- None mentioned in an ad published in Cycle & Automobile Trade Journal, Jan.
1903 (p.182a)
- A "Cosmopolitan" ad for Feb., 1903 says "Write for new
illustrated booklet"
- An ad published in March 1903 mentions booklet "B"
- An ad published in April 1903 mentions booklet "L"
- An ad published in September 1903 mentions booklet "N"
- An ad published in November 1903 mentions booklet "X"
Don Rising says that these "mysterious" catalogs and booklets
are simply the "regular" ones listed in these pages; the letters B, L, N and X
merely indicated to the Cadillac Company in what publication the applicant for the
catalog had seen it advertised.
Don Rising said this about the 1904 publications: For 1904, catalogs were dated
on the cover and in the text. "1904 Model A" and "Model B" were shown,
now with 12-spoke wheels and no engine cover. Alanson P. Brush was given credit as the
inventor and designer.
(1) Small catalog 5½x9" (14x22cms) [pf], the title
reads 1904 (top RH side) and Cadillac Automobile Company (center, left)
and Detroit, Mich (bottom, LH side); it is embossed in red on a black
cover. On p.2 is a photo of a Cadillac tonneau climbing Shelby Street hill in
Detroit in April 1903, towing a trailer full of men; illustrated are the Model A
Runabout3. (p.4), the same car
with detachable tonneau (p.6), delivery wagon (p.8), runabout with top (p.10), chassis
(p.20); Model B runabout (p.12), 4-seater, side-entrance touring car (p.14),
4-seater, side-entrance Surrey with openings in sides of tonneau but without doors (p.16),
delivery wagon (p.18), Model A chassis (p.20), Model B chassis (p.21), improved motor
(p.22), water jacket (p.23), interchangeable shaft bearings (p.24), patent oil-groove
piston (p.25), transmission (p.26), spark plug (p.27), carburetor (p.28), oil & switch
system (p.29), safety starting device (as mentioned in 2nd catalog for 1903 - p.30); the
standard color for Models A and B now is maroon with black trimmings. The
catalog now lists eighty Cadillac agencies. Printed by John Bohnman & Sons,
Detroit. Don Rising lists this piece as #3 and describes it thus: 04-3
1904 CADILLAC single cylinder B&W and red catalog, "1904- Cadillac
Automobile Company" embossed in red on black cover, 5½x9", 32 pages plus card
covers, five views of Model A including chassis, five views of Model B including chassis,
1904 engine without oiler shown, full illustration of 4-feed oiler and safety device
shown, dealer list on page 32 {*}
2 the "Model A" designation
was NOT used by Cadillac until the "Model B" appeared, in 1904

(2) [Models A and B] Second 32-page catalogue, same 5½x9" format
(14x22cm) entitled Cadillac Automobile Company with date 1904 split into
two parts, "19"
on the left and "04" on the right of the central design. More ornate cover than previous item.
The cover is black, with the date and title embossed in red. My copy is missing
pages 30 and 31 [Don Rising says that p.32 lists the Cadillac dealers]. This was probably
a showroom brochure for William E. Metzger and the other Cadillac agencies. Cadillac
headquarters are shown in two medallions on p.2. Other illustrations include (1)
the Model A runabout (p.4), (2) Model A with detachable tonneau (p.6), (3)
Model A delivery (p.8), (4) Model A with top (p.10), (5)
side view of Model B (p.12), (6) Model B touring car (p.14), (7)
Model B surrey [like the touring car but with "notch" side openings in lieu of
the usual single rear door (p.16), (8) Model B delivery, Model A chassis
(p.20), Model B chassis (p.21), motor (p.22), water jacket (p.23), shaft bearings (p.24),
piston (p.25), transmission and spark plug (p.26), carburetor (p.28), oil and switch
system [line drawing only] (p.29). The last page is marked "From the Art
Department of the Peninsular Engraving Co., Detroit, Press of R.L. Pole Printing Company,
Ltd., Detroit, Mich." Don Rising lists two items for 1904
that fit this general description; the first has two-tone printing in black and blue, the
other in black and green:

04-1 1904 CADILLAC single cylinder B&W and blue catalog, "The Cadillac
Automobile-1904" in gold on red plaque, black cover, 5½x9", 32 pages plus card
covers, five views of Model A including chassis, five views of Model B including chassis,
1903 engine with oiler shown, sketch of 4-feed oiler and safety device shown, no dealer
04-2 1904 CADILLAC single cylinder B&W and green catalog, "The Cadillac
Automobile-1904" in gold on red plaque, black cover, 5½x9", 32 pages plus card
covers, five views of Model A including chassis, five views of Model B including chassis,
1903 engine with oiler shown, sketch of 4-feed oiler and safety device shown, dealer list
on page 32 {*}
(3) [Models A and B ???] This piece is assumed to exist since an excerpt
of it is illustrated in a copy I have of a 1927 Cadillac catalogue [see item (3) for
1927]. The date shown for this item in the 1927 catalogue is "1902"
but in fact it relates to 1904 since it illustrates a Model B touring car {***}
Various advertisements in my collection for 1904 mention the following
booklets (one or more of them may correspond to the reproduction catalogs in my collection
for 1904).
- "A" ("It explains and illustrates all Cadillac models in detail"),
- "B" ("tells about the Cadillac" and "gives
address of agency nearest you where the Cadillac may be seen and tried"),
- "D", ("explains Cadillac models in detail..." and
"gives address of agency nearest you..."),
- "F" ("Handsome new booklet F explains and illustrates both
models [Models A and B] in detail"),
- "I" ("fully describes the various Cadillac models"),
- "N" [printed in July 1904],
- "O" and "F" [printed in December 1904]
- "Q".
Don Rising says that the latter, "mysterious" catalogs and
booklets are simply the "regular" ones listed in these pages; the letters A, B,
D, F, I, L, N, O and Q merely indicated to the Cadillac Company in what publication
the applicant for the catalog had seen it advertised.
Instruction books [owners manuals] for single-cylinder Cadillacs
In addition to the product catalogs described above, Don Rising mentions instruction books
for the single cylinder Cadillac models. He lists all known versions of it
(1) 1903, [pf] 4x6", 16 pages, gray cover, white printing The Care and
Operation of a Cadillac. The text begins: "In absence of your instruction
book, which we are pleased to inform you will be ready in about two weeks, a few
suggestions relative to the care and operation of your Cadillac automobile may be helpful
to you."
(2) 1903, 9¼x6", 29 pages, black fabric cover with red printing. Chassis
illustrations of early Model A.
(3) 1904 Models A, B, (C). 9x6", 32 pages, black fabric cover with red printing.
Chassis illustrations of Models A and B.
Parts lists for single-cylinder Cadillacs:
Once again, thanks to Don Rising for passing on this information. He says that
Cadillac published such parts lists from 1904 through 1916 (and possibly later). None of
these lists were illustrated. Changes were noted by Model, by year in the case of 1906-07
Models K and M, but never by engine number. However, Cadillac would ask for the engine
number when parts were ordered. Thus, the parts lists may not be reliable as interchange
lists. Lists were published for three groups of Models: Model A, Models B, C,
E and F, and Models K, M, S and T. Engine parts were listed for all engine models as of
the effective date of the list. These are the parts lists in the historian's collection
provided by Don:
Model A Parts Lists:
Model A, dated 1904 on the title page. 3½x5¾", 16 pages plus brown covers.
[continued in the next part, Cadillac catalogs from 1905-1909]
in Cadillac selling agents from 1902 to 1904 |
State (city) |
1902 |
1904 |
Colorado (Denver) |
A.T. Wilson |
Colorado Auto Co |
District of Columbia (Washington) |
American Cycle Manufacturing Co |
Pope Manufacturing Co |
Georgia (Savannah) |
R.V. Connerat |
T.A. Bryson |
Indiana (Indianapolis) |
Conrad Mueller Co |
Indiana Auto Co |
Maine (Portland) |
F.O. Bailey Carriage Co. |
H.J. Willard |
Massachusetts (Boston) |
American Cycle Manufacturing Co |
Pope Manufacturing Co |
New Jersey (Newark) |
New Jersey Automobile Co |
Motor Car Co of New York |
Ohio (Cleveland) |
Cleveland Automobile & Supply Co |
Ohio Motor Car Co |
Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) |
John Wanamaker |
Pennsylvania Electric Vehicle Co. |
Rhode Island (Providence) |
American Cycle Manufacturing Co |
Pope Manufacturing Co |