(14) Superior, catalog of Cadillac and Pontiac
professional cars, stiff catalog, 9x12", 16pp. {***}
??? This one ???
(15) Superior, catalog of Cadillac .....

Image courtesy Phantom Coaches
(16) Cadillac presents Sunroofs for 1970: 2
p/color sheet, 9x11. Front is three-quarter frontal view photograph of green Eldorado
Coupe with white vinyl roof and sunroof. Reverse side has photograph of the Fleetwood
Brougham, Coupe DeVille and Eldorado Coupe lined up side by side, a
view of the sunroof in closed position and discussion.
(17) 4 p/non-color folder, 5x7. Cream colored cover
with embossed gold emblem and lettering. Folder is an invitation to test drive the 1970
models. Comes with original mailing envelope.
(18) Cadillac: 4 p/part color folder, 5x7. White cover with gold embossed title
and emblem. Folder is your invitation to test drive the new models on Sep. 18, 1970. Comes
with original mailing envelope.
(19) Custom wagon conversions :

(20) From Miller-Meteor, professional car brochure
entitled Integrity: It Means as Much to Cadillac as It Does to You, 4-page
full-color folder, 12x9" opening to 12x18", shows blue Cadillac Fleetwood Seventy-Five
Sedan/Limousine with blue landau top and Olympian hearse by Miller-Meteor.

(21) From Miller Meteor, this
12-page, full color catalog, 9x12", entitled The Mark of Stature - M-M:
Miller-Meteor Professional Cars with Chassis by Cadillac, white cover framing photo
of blue brocade seat fabric, 27 photos, art renderings and drawings showing exterior and
interior features of Olympian, Eterna, Citation, Classic
and Landau Traditional hearses and the combination hearse/ambulance coach.

From Webasto International Sunroof Corp. (Wisco), 4-page, full-color
folder, 10x9" opening to 10x17", brown cover, Eldorado El Clįsico
coupe conversion, brown landau half top and landau irons, 7 other photos of exterior and
interior features, back cover has rear view of car.

(1) Prestige, all-model catalog, linen-like
off-white cover with gold lettering marked Cadillac 1971

(2) Stiff 24 pp. catalog (Canada), 9x11" {***}.
(3) Press kit,. including 5 glossy photos, 8x10", and
individual descriptions of year's models, in portfolio jacket {***}.
(4) Miller-Meteor ambulance catalog, 16 pp.
{***}. A New High in Emergency Response (top) and 1979 Miller-Meteor
Ambulances with Chassis by Cadillac - M&M; night scene with blurred
''moving" ambulance (front clip is seen)

(5) Miller-Meteor professional cars catalog, 12
pp. {***}.
(6) S&S professional cars color folder, opens
to 11x16½" {*}. The 1971 S&S Professional Cars by Hess &
Eisenhardt. View looking down on rear of dark blue landau hearse with black
roof; couple standing at front RH corner of vehicle. Opens to large, side view of S&S
Victoria model; rear clip at lower RH corner.

(7) S&S professional cars color catalog
entitled New Dimensions in Beauty and Design for 1971

(8) S&S professional cars, ambulance color
folder, red, black and white, opens to 11x16½" {***}. Opens to side view (lower RH
side) of 1971 S&S Medic Mark I.

(9) The 1971 S&S Professional Cars by
Hess & Eisenhardt, large fold-out, 11x10" closed, 27x20" open, white
cover features rear ¾ view of dark blue hearse-landau, title is at lower right, opening
the first fold unveils the Victoria hearse, the next fold reveals (at the top)
the Park Hill, below it the Park Row, all with interiors and casket
table designs, under the lower flap are more interior views plus features and options {*}
(10) Superior, original color catalog/portfolio
of ambulances on Cadillac, Pontiac and Ford chassis with specifications. Also shows
features, options and accessories. Contains 4 color folders measuring 8x11",
non color folder and catalog measure approx. 8½x11"; catalog has 8 pp.
(11) Superior, catalog of Cadillac and Pontiac
professional cars, 8½x12", 16pp. {***}.
(12) 4 p/color folder, 3x7. Front has three-quarter
frontal view photograph of green Eldorado Coupe. Folder is an invitation for you
to visit the dealership and test drive the new models.
(13) An Invitation . . ": 4 p/color folder, 6x9. Cover has three-quarter
frontal view photograph of front of blue car. Folder is an invitation to test drive the
1971 models.
(14) Cadillac Colors: 4 p/color folder, 4x8. White cover with black lettering.
Folder contains twenty-one paint chips, including seven Firemist Colors.
(15) Cadillac Information On Emission Controls Low-Lead Fuel Safety and Anti-Theft
Features: 8 p/part color catalog, 9x4. Blue cover with white lettering and emblem.
Folder gives a basic overview on the background of emission control systems aimed at
reducing pollution and the systems Cadillac has implemented. Also discusses measures that
were in place for passenger protection, accident prevention and to safeguard against
(16) Introducing the New Look of Leadership: Cadillac 1971: 12 p/color catalog,
9x11. Cover has close-up frontal view photograph of gold car. Six full page photographs
show the Fleetwood Sixty Special Brougham, Seventy-Five, Eldorado
Coupe and Convertible and Coupe and Sedan DeVilles, with half-page photographs of
the Calais Coupe and Sedan. Fourteen additional photographs show interior and
features. Includes discussion.
(17) Reward! For the recapture of that lost Cadillac ride: 4 p/color folder, 6x3.
Cover has drawing of cowboy on horse trying to lasso a Cadillac. Folder discusses the need
to have your shock absorbers and suspension system inspected.
(18) The Future Is Clear: 4 p/color folder, 6x4. Cover has drawing of sky and
trees with title overhead. Folder promotes a cleaner America and safer highways, too
by taking your Cadillac in for regular inspections and maintenance.
(19) The New Look Of Leadership: 4 p/color folder, 12x12. Cover is brown
toned photo rendering of car. Five photographs show exterior and interior. Includes
(20) The Life-Support Modules, 1971 Miller-Meteor Ambulances with
Chassis by Cadillac, 16 pages, 9x12", black cover with ambulance at night (moving and
out of focus), on pp.4-5 the Lifeliner, on p.6 the Volunteer, on p.7 the
Guardian, the remaining pages show interiors, layouts, features and specs. {*}
(21) The new dimensions of leadership, 1971 Miller-Meteor
professional cars with Chassis by Cadillac, 9x12", 12 pages, front cover has white
hearse with black landau top in front of pillared cemetery arches, p.2 shows the Olympian,
p.3 the Eterna, p.4 the Citation, p.5 the Classic, p.6 the Landau
Traditional, pp.7-11 plus the rear cover show interiors and casket tables {*}
(22) The Sovereignty of Superior, 16-page
color catalog, 9x12", white covers with Crown Sovereign landau type hearse
and colored Superior logo, fifteen photos of exterior and interior features of Superior
Sovereign and Crown Sovereign landaulet styled hearses and limousines, as
well as Regency and Chateau hearses on Cadillac chassis (other bodies on
Pontiac chassis also are shown) {***}

Image courtesy Phantom Coaches
(23) Superior, ambulance

(24) From Webasto International Sunroof Corp. (Wisco?),
2 page, single-sided, non-color sheet, entitled Cadillac Eldorado Styling,
11x9", white sheet with Wisco emblem, 3 photos of sun roof, landau half roof and deck
lid trim on Eldorado El Clįsico coupe conversion.
(1) From Caribou Motor Corp, CA, color sales sheet, 8½x11", on
updating the front clip of your customized Caribou pick-up. The notice covers all
four years.

Thanks to Ruben Baeten, a young Dutch Cadillac fan, you
can view the contents of the 1972 Cadillac product catalog here: http://www.informaat.nl/home/RCCP/1972brochure/72brochure.htm
(1) Out of a Tradition of Excellence - Cadillac
1972, bluish cover with front clip of '72 model and license plate marked 1972

(2) Cadillac is more than a great car...
folder, illustrates 10 different models (no date shown but cars shown are 1972 models)

(3) Narrow, elongated catalog on Fleetwood Seventy-Five
models. in original envelope with wreath and crest at upper LH side. Title: The
Ultimate ...in Prestige , 11½ x 5¼", full color, p.2 has RH side view of blue
car with black padded top, center pages show rear seating, last page shows jump seats,
imitation landau bars, RH rear view mirror and rear compartment A/C + radio controls [available: $18]

(4) 1972 Cadillac Data Book, maroon leatherette
cover with gold lettering and 1972 Cadillac Data Book {***} Includes paint chips,
leather and upholster samples, B&W photos of models in range as well as special

(5) Press kit,. including 6 glossy photos, 8x10", and
individual descriptions of year's models, in portfolio jacket {***}.
(6) Full
color PC, Fleetwood Eldorado coupe, 9x4½" [available, $3]
[ image ]
(7) From Hess & Eisenhardt, a portfolio, 12x9", entitled S&S
Immediate-Action Ambulances by Hess & Eisenhardt, white cover with
night-time photo of S&S Medic Mark I Ambulance rushing to emergency. Includes
two 4-page color folders, 11x8" opening to 11x17", one on the S&S
Medic Mark I, blue cover, 9 photos showing exterior and interior, one on The
S&S Parkway by Hess & Eisenhardt, yellow cover; rear covers lists
standard features and options.

(8) Miller Meteor -
Professional Cars, 9x12", 16 pp., hearses, ambulances, combination coach and
features. Includes Olympian, Eterna, Citation, Classic,
Landau Traditional, plus the following Ambulances: Guardian, Volunteer,
Lifeliner; 22 photos showing both interior and exterior views

(9) Miller Meteor professional car item, white cover with following markings :
Miller Meteor (in large script), The Mark of Stature - 1972 Professional
Cars - Chassis by Cadillac (in smaller capitals)

Catalog cover image courtesy Phantom Coaches
(10) Miller Meteor Total
Response Ambulances views

(11) From Miller Meteor, 16-page, full-color
catalog entitled Miller-Meteor - The Mark of Stature: Professional Cars . Chassis by
Cadillac, 9x12", white textured cover with embossed title, 23 photos, art
renderings and drawings, including five beautiful renderings of Olympian, Eterna,
Citation, Classic and Landau Traditional hearses and Guardian,
Volunteer and Lifeline ambulances.

(12) S&S professional cars by Hess &
Eisenhardt, color folder, opens to 10x39" {***}.
(13) Superior, ambulance portfolio, includes
Cadillac, Pontiac and Ford models plus accessories and options folder, 8½x22" {***}.
(14) Superior '72 Ambulances,
salmon-colored cover with black lettering and white Superior company logo at top, RH side
[same as above ???], has ambulances on Cadillac and Pontiac chassis with
specifications. Also shows features, options and accessories. Contains 3 color folders
measuring 8¼x10¾" each, 1 part color folder measuring 8¼x10¾". Catalog
measures 8½x11" with 8 pages.

(15) Superior, catalog of Cadillac professional
cars, stiff catalog, 8½x11", 16pp. {***}.

(16) An invitation . . .: 4 p/color folder,
6x9". Cover has three-quarter frontal view photograph of front of blue car. Folder is
an invitation to test drive the 1972 models.
(17) Cadillac Consumer Information: 6 p/part color folder, 5x9". White paper
printed in blue ink. Folder discusses vehicle stopping distances, tire reserve load and
acceleration and passing ability.
(18) Cadillac Eldorado Custom Cabriolet Elk Grain Vinyl Roof Material: 2 p
(single-side printed) /part color sheet, 9x10". Sheet has seven actual vinyl color
selection samples.
(19) We Invite You To Lease A 1972 Cadillac: 4 p/color folder, 4x7". Cover
is three-quarter frontal view photograph of gold Sedan DeVille with white vinyl
roof. Folder lists four advantages to leasing your next car.
(20) Out of a Tradition of Excellence: 32 p/color catalog, 9x10". Blue
cover, with white frame, has eight embossed silhouettes of vintage and classic Cadillacs.
Eight full page photographs, with their predecessor as a hazy image in the background,
show the Fleetwood Sixty Special Brougham Sedan and Seventy-Five Sedan; Eldorado
Coupe and Convertible; Sedan and Coupe DeVilles; and Calais Sedan and
Coupe. Thirty-seven additional photographs show interior and features. Includes discussion
and specifications.
(21) Webasto International Sunroof Corp. Cadillac
El Clįsico coupe by Wisco on Eldorado chassis, sheet,
single-side, non-color, 11x9", shows three photos (sun roof, landau half roof
and deck lid trim

(22) Webasto International Sunroof Corp. (Wisco) product
folder on Eldorado conversions, entitled Choose the Ultimate -- In Beauty,
Elegance -- and Distinctive Auto Ownership . . . Cadillac Eldorado: 4 page, full
color folder, 11x9", opens to 11x17", yellow cover, front view of blue Eldorado
El Clįsico coupe conversion, 3 photos of Coupe DeVille, DeVille
9-Passenger Station Wagon and Eldorado 6-Passenger Station Wagon conversions,
rear cover has photo of green Eldorado conversion with white landau half roof and
landau irons.

(23) From R. S. Harper Coachbuilders, information
package, 11x9", with 3 color photos each 3x3" showing Estate Brougham
Station Wagon conversions; standard and optional equipment also listed and priced

(24) From Moloney Coachbuilders, Cadillac Fleetwood and Eldorado
"Custom Cadillac Conversions by Moloney Standard Coach Builders",
4-page non-color folder, 11x9" opening to 11x17", black and white cover, photo
of Cadillac conversion, 10 photos of custom grilles, Mark IV style deck, custom interior
and Cadillac 4-door convertible, station wagon and El Doral models

(1) Fleetwood limousine and sedan catalog, stiff gold
cover, 4x9", 8 pp. [available, $12]

(2) Features a brief description with exterior/interior pictures and
specifications for the Fleetwood Seventy-Five, Fleetwood Brougham, the Eldorado Coupe
& Convertible, The Coupe & Sedan De Ville and the Calais Coupe & Sedan.
Contains 24 pages and measures 9" x 9 1/2".
(3) Japanese B&W catalog entitled 1973 Cadillac,
in gold, with gold crest above it and the dealer's name, Yanase, in black, at lower
right.. Measures 8½x11¾", 12 pp. incl. covers. Models include Fleetwood
Brougham, Eldorado coupe, Eldorado convertible, Sedan de Ville, Coupe de Ville. Text
is 99% Japanese.
[ Li73Jap ]
(4) Professional car catalog entitled: Presenting the
most honored credentials of your profession, white cover with burgundy lettering at
RH side.

(5) Press kit with 6 photos and descriptive text on new
models {***}.
(6) Accessories folder entitled Pleasures for the Adding, 12
page, full color, 6x3", opens to 12x10"

(7) ASC Custom Craft brochure, ASC Custom Craft
Inc., Proudly Presents...

(8) Cadillac El Deora, custom conversion by ASC,
folder, 6x9", opens to 16x9", gold, black and white entitled ASC
Custom-Craft, Inc., Proudly Presents, 6 pages, cream color cover, ASC
emblem, 5 drawings of exterior features of El Deora conversions on Fleetwood
Brougham, Coupe DeVille and Eldorado models. Lists models
available: El Deora DeVille, Limousine, Eldorado
"Astrella" Station Wagon and Fleetwood Brougham "Astro"
Estate Wagon.
(9) Wayne professional cars catalog, New
Horizons in Leadership, including Miller-Meteor with professional chassis by
Cadillac and Cotner-Bevington with Oldsmobile 98 chassis. LH half of cover
features sunrise over dark, wooded hills

(10) 4-page non-color folder entitled, Custom
Cadillac Conversions by Moloney Standard Coach Builders, 11x9" opening to
11x17", has front view of Cadillac conversion, 10 photos of custom grilles, Lincoln
Mark IV style deck, custom interior, Cadillac 4-door convertible, station wagon and El
Doral models.
(11) [different ??? - seen on eBay, May 2004] 4- page Moloney brochure, full color
measuring 8.5x11" and featuring Moloney full top El Doral and the
Classic El Doral de Ville (the Moloney deVille).
(12) S&S professional cars color catalog,
10x12½", 16 pp. plus fly leaves {***}. A Fresh Approach to Perfection -m The
1973 S&S Professional Cars by Hess & Eisenhardt.... White cover,
pink rose with dewdrops. Twenty photos, including 2-page view of Victoria hearse,
craftsmen working on Victoria, Park Hill and Park Row models,
upholstery selections, features and options.

(13) S&S professional cars, ambulance wall
poster, blue-tone, huge 24x34" {***}.
(14) Superior, catalog of Cadillac professional
cars, 8½x11½", 16pp. {***}.
(15) Superior, portfolio of Cadillac-based
ambulances entitled Superior Ambulances for 1973. Comes in white mailing
envelope with red lettering and "50" year anniversary logo, 11x17",
cover has night shot of many ambulances all lit up. Includes six 2-page color sheets,
11x17", with 53 misc. photos and photo renderings of exterior, interior, features and
options for the Superior 54 and Superior 51 ambulances on Cadillac (and
Pontiac) chassis and the Superior 61 Ambulance on Chevrolet G-30 Van chassis {***}.

(16) Wayne catalog of professional
cars, includes Cadillacs by Miller-Meteor, 24 pp. {***}.
(17) Custom conversions by Wisco, entitled Drive
with Distinction..., 4 page non-color folder, 11x9", opens to
11x17", light blue cover with photo of custom Coupe DeVille conversion, 8
further photos of features of Coupe DeVille and Eldorado
conversions. Rear cover has 5 photos of station wagon and limousine conversions.

(18) Cadillac: Postcard, 4x6", front is
three-quarter frontal view photograph of red car with white vinyl roof. Reverse side is
unused postcard.
(19) Cadillac: Postcard, 4x6", front is three-quarter frontal view
photograph of yellow car with top down. Reverse side is unused postcard.
(20) Cadillac: Postcard, 4x6", front is three-quarter frontal view
photograph of blue Sedan DeVille with dark blue vinyl roof. Reverse side is
unused postcard.
(21) Cadillac: Postcard, 4x6", front is three-quarter frontal view
photograph of yellow Coupe DeVille with gold vinyl roof. Reverse side is unused
(22) Cadillac: Postcard, 4x6", front is three-quarter frontal view
photograph of green Calais Sedan with dark green vinyl roof. Reverse side is
unused postcard.
(23) Cadillac presents the class of '73: 12 p/color catalog, 9x9", cover is
frontal view photograph of car with couple standing in front of car. Four full page
photographs show the Fleetwood Brougham, Eldorado Coupe, DeVille
Sedan and Calais Coupe. Seventeen additional photographs show exterior and
interior features and include view of the Fleetwood Seventy-Five Sedan/Limousine.
(24) The Special Pleasures of Owning a Cadillac: 8 p/color catalog, 12x12",
cover opens to two page close-up photograph of green car, with blue Coupe DeVille
with white vinyl roof in background. Thirteen additional photographs show exterior and
interior of cars.
(25) Why Cadillac Owners Are So Loyal . . .: 8 p/color catalog, 13x11",
white cover, with black lettering, has side view photograph of white Sedan DeVille.
Sixteen photographs show exterior and interior views of the Fleetwood Brougham
and Seventy-Five Sedan/Limousine; Sedan and Coupe DeVilles; Eldorado
Coupe and Convertible; Calais Sedan and Coupe; and Eldorado convertible
which was the Official Pace Car for the May 28, 1973 Indianapolis 500.
(26) The Special World of Cadillac: 32 p/color catalog, 9x9", white
cover with gold lettering and gold white embossed emblem against red background. Nine full
page photographs show the Fleetwood Brougham and Seventy-Five, Eldorado
Coupe and Convertible, Sedan and Coupe DeVilles and Calais Coupe and
Sedan. Thirty-three additional photographs show exterior and interior features. Includes
discussion and specifications.
(27) Presenting the most honored credentials of your
profession (brown letters on white cover), 8 page brochure on Cadillac commercial
cars for 1973, 11x11", four typical models illustrated, chassis shown in brown-tone
on p.6, specs. on p.7 {*}
(28) New Horizons in Leadership, 1973 Wayne
professional cars, Miller-Meteor [Cadillac] and Cotner-Bevington
[Oldsmobile, 9x12", 24pp., front cover divided in two parts, has sunset (left) and
title on white background (right), p.4 shows the Olympian, p.5 the Eterna,
p.6 the Landau Traditional, p.7 the Classic, p.8 the Citation,
pp.9-13 show interiors and casket tables, pp.14-19 cover the Cotner-Bevington
bodies on the Oldsmobile chassis, p.21 shows the Volunteer, Guardian and
Lifeliner ambulances on Cadillac chassis, p.22 shows the C-B ambulances {*}
(29) Variation on preceding piece (larger format). Photographs, layout and information
appear to be identical.
(1) Prestige all-model color catalog

(2) Regular, standard all-model prestige
color catalog

(3) Full-color mailer catalog entitled Any
way you look at it, 9½x9¼", 12pp. incl soft covers, shows Coupe de
Ville , Eldorado convertible, Fleetwood Brougham, Sedan de
Ville, Calais coupe and sedan, features, etc.

(4) Prestige color catalog on commercial cars,
11x13", 8 pp., shows three funeral cars and Fleetwood 75 9-passenger sedan
and limousine, plus three others, including an ambulance {***}. Cover features nose of car
with Cadillac crest on red./orange background: More than ever... America's number one
professional cars

(5) Prestige catalog, Cadillac 1974 - More than Ever
... America's Luxury Car, in gold and white on mat black cover with gold-edged square
in center and monotone black crest inside. Published for the Japanese market [by
Yanase], 8¼x11¾", 8 pp. Models include Fleetwood Brougham, Eldorado coupe,
Eldorado convertible, Sedan de Ville, Coupe de Ville, Seventy-Fives... (as well as misc.
Buick models). Text is 99% Japanese.
[ Li74Jap ]
(6) Japanese catalog on 1974 Buick and Cadillac, published
for the Japanese market [by Yanase]. Title reads Cadillac & Buick 1974
in gold on mainly black cover with photo illustrations plus full-color Cadillac and Buick
crests at top center. Measures inside. 8½x11¾", 12 pp. incl. covers. Models
include Fleetwood Brougham, Fleetwood 75 limousine, Eldorado coupe, Eldorado convertible,
Sedan de Ville, Coupe de Ville, Brougham Elegance [interior photo]; has features, options,
specifications. Text is 99% Japanese.
[ Li74Jap ]
(7) 1974 edition of the Cadillac Master Parts &
Accessories Catalog, ring bound

(8) 1974/75 accessories folder [available: $7]

(9) First there. First everywhere - 1974 Miller-Meteor
Ambulances, 6-page fold-out in full color, on the Criterion,
Lifeliner and Volunteer ambulances; cover shows a Criterion
ambulance speeding to an accident scene, cars shown are painted orange and white; interior
views are plentiful {*}

(10) Auto Gard, Inc., single-sided, non-color sheet, 9x11"
entitled New Product Line Available from Auto Gard, Inc. describing conversions
of Buick, Cadillac, Ford and Pontiac models. Includes three photographs showing
"Superfly" headlights for 1974 Cadillac DeVille and 1973/74 Cadillac Eldorado,
repro Goddess hood ornament and frontal view of grille and headlights on Cadillac {***}
(11) From Hess & Eisenhardt, 16-page
(+ fly leaves) full-color catalog entitled In Every Profession There are a
Few Who Choose to Rise Above the Commonplace, 10x13", gold-toned cover with
gulls at sunset, 22 photos, including 2-page black H&E S&S Victoria
hearse with exterior and interior features, craftsmen at work on S&S Victoria,
Park Hill and Park Row models.

(12) Wayne 1974 Professional Cars, Miller-Meteor,
Chassis by Cadillac, Cotner-Bevington, Chassis by Oldsmobile, rear of white hearse
with black landau top on front and rear covers, p.2 shows Olympian, p.3 the Eterna,
p.4 the Landau Traditional, p.5 the Classic, p.6 the Citation,
pp.7-11 cover cars on the Oldsmobile chassis, pp.12-15 illustrate the various interiors
and casket tables, p.16 shows the Criterion ambulance, p.17 the Lifeliner
and Volunteer models, p.18 has the Cotner-Bevington 48" and
54" ambulance on the Oldsmobile chassis {*}.

(13) Wayne 1974 Professional Cars, To met
the Challenge of Change... (same cover as previous item but different text)

(14) Stiff 24 pp. catalog (Canada), 9x9½".
(15) Press kit,. including 7 glossy photos, 8x10",
and individual descriptions of year's models, in portfolio jacket {***}.
(16) Superior portfolio, 9x24", with
folders on Cadillac, Dodge, Chevrolet and Pontiac ambulances.
(17) Superior, catalog of Cadillac and Pontiac
professional cars, 8½x11", 16pp.. entitled Superior in all respects - Superior
'74 Cadillac and Pontiac Funeral Coaches. {***}.

(18) 1974 Superior 54 Ambulance on Cadillac
Chassis, ambulance folder, 9x12", opens to 9x24", orange and white
54" model on cover, pp.2-3 have interior layouts and specifications, rear cover has
various floor plans {*}.

(19) Moloney product sheet entitled Handcrafted
Luxury Motor Cars from Moloney, Palatine, IL; 9x11", shows on one side a 3/4
front and 3/4 rear view of a yellow El Doral coupe (based on DeVille
coupe?); on the other side are, a 3/4 front and 3/4 rear view of a dark blue El Doral
sedan (based on the Fleetwood Brougham?), as well as a 3/4 front view of a red El
Doral Eldorado coupe.
(20) Cadillac: Postcard, 4x6", front is
three-quarter frontal view photograph of red Eldorado Convertible with white
interior. Reverse side is unused postcard.
(21) Cadillac: Postcard, 4x6", front is three-quarter frontal view of brown Coupe
DeVille with brown vinyl roof. Reverse side is unused postcard.
(22) Cadillac: Postcard, 4x6", front is three-quarter frontal view of gray Fleetwood
Brougham with black vinyl roof. Reverse side is unused postcard.
(23) Cadillac: Postcard, 4x6", front is three-quarter frontal view of dark
blue Fleetwood Brougham. Reverse side is unused postcard.
(24) Cadillac: Postcard, 4x6", front is three-quarter frontal view of green Custom
Coupe with white Cabriolet roof. Reverse side is unused postcard.
(25) Cadillac Coupe DeVille: Dealer Card, 3x7", front is three-quarter
frontal view photograph of brown car with brown vinyl roof. Reverse side has discussion
and dimensions.
(26) Cadillac: More than ever . . . America's Number One Luxury Car: 32 p/color
catalog, 9x10", white cover with embossed emblem and gold embossed lettering. Eight
full page photographs show the Fleetwood Brougham Sedan, Seventy-Five
Sedan, Eldorado Coupe, Custom Cabriolet and Convertible, Sedan and Coupe
DeVilles and Calais Coupe and Sedan. Forty-two additional photographs show
exterior and interior features. Includes discussion and specifications.
(27) ...Variation on previous piece (larger format)
(28) 1974 advertising planner; a guide for
Cadillac dealers nationwide

(29) From Moloney Coachbuilders, Cadillac Eldorado and DeVille
Handcrafted Luxury Motor Cars from Moloney, 4-page color folder, 9x11" opening
to 9x22", cover photo of silver Cadillac Eldorado "El Doral" full
top coupe conversion at race track; two full page photos of red El Doral
with white landau top and black and white Classic El Doral DeVille coupe; rear
cover shows tire trunk deck