( ) Prestige, full-color, all-model catalog of
1965 models, best piece for the year, 1965 CADILLAC embossed on top part of hard
cover, 9½x12½", 34 pp. incl. onions skins and double folds, front clip on front
cover, rear clip on rear cover [one original available in
MINT condition: $48]

( ) As above, but small, standard hand-out, 1965
CADILLAC in black print on soft cover, size ...., Click here to
view the contents of a 1965 Cadillac product brochure

There is also a Dutch version of this brochure
[ with the same black title line above the cover illustration ]
( ) The Cadillac 75 Series, 32x24cms,
4-page stiff-card folder on these models, with cover letter from L.N. Mays, Cadillac
General Sales Manager; cover photo of rear compartment, chauffeur holding door open and
two business men exchanging handshake; interior has 2-page spread of black 75 limousine; 4
detailed photos on rear cover.
( ) Funeral Cars & Ambulances on
Cadillac commercial chassis, features and specifications. Shows custom bodies by Hess
& Eisenhardt, Miller-Meteor and Superior. Measures
9½x12½", 8 pp.

Center image is larger view of cover page title
( ) Mailer folder People on the go, go
Cadillac..., 8½x9½", three double-sided folds, folded twice, full color photos
of Calais hardtop sedan, Fleetwood Brougham, DeVille
convertible and hardtop Sedan de Ville [one
original available: $38].

( ) Mailer catalog Cadillac... Three
Distinctive expressions, 8½x12½", 8 pp. incl. covers, photographic catalog
with sections on the Fleetwoods, De Villes and Calais [one
original available: $38]

( ) Dealer card on new Sedan de Ville model

( ) Illustrated accessories catalog, 5x8", 12
pp. {***}.
( ) Illustrated accessories folder

( ) Illustrated Cadillac Data Book (dealer piece)

( ) Press kit with 4 photos and descriptive text on
new models {***}.
( ) Six different feature folders, color, slightly
larger than 3 x 6 inches, 4 or 6 pages each); each one covers a different topic as
follows: (a) Cruise Control and automatic leveling, (b) tune-up and appearance,
(c) cushions and mats etc, (d) Twilight Sentinel and GuideMatic, (e)
options like compass, litter box, belt retractors, (f) Christmas gifts.
( ) 1965 General Motors car brochure;
featuring Chevrolet, Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick and Cadillac automobiles. It measures
4" by 9" with 34 pages. There are color illustrations on every page.
[ li65gm ]
( ) Miller-Meteor ambulance catalog, 10
pp., red, black and white {***}.
( ) Miller-Meteor full line color catalog,
20 pp. plus fold-outs {***}.
( ) S&S professional cars prestige
color catalog, 9x12", 12 pp., embossed covers {***}.
( ) S&S professional cars mailer
catalog, opens to huge 36x48" poster on ambulance models {***}.
(..) Superior, prestige color catalog, Everything
New! Includes Royale, Sovereign, Crown Royale, Crown
Sovereign hearses and interior features. Measures 11½x9" with 16 pages {***}

(..) Superior, prestige color catalog of Pontiac
and Cadillac ambulances, 9x12", 20 pp. {***}.

(..) Superior, Cadillac Royale ambulance
folder, 4 pages open to 8x23" {***}.
(..) As above, but Crown Royale model {***}.

(..) As above but Crown Sovereign model {***}.
(..) 1963-65, Cadillac Used Car Album: 8-page,
non-color folder, 3x6". Five photographs show the 1963 Coupe DeVille, 1964 Hardtop
Sedan DeVille, 1965 Coupe DeVille, 1966 DeVille Convertible and 1967 Coupe DeVille.
Includes discussion
( ) PC - Charlie's Angels movie promotion
card (2003), features one of the girls sitting on the hood of a soaped-up (not souped-up)
'65 sedan with CA tags).
Click here to
view the contents of a 1966 Cadillac product brochure

( ) Stiff 16 pp. catalog (Canada), 8½x11"
( ) Photographic mailer catalog, Who Owns it ?
... The Cadillac owner is one whose varied tastes..., 11x9", 8 pp. incl.
covers, full color photos of Fleetwood Brougham, Coupe de Ville and Calais hardtop sedan [one original available in full-color envelope: $43]

( ) Color folder on Fleetwood 75 models, 4
pp., opens to 9½x24", stiff card.
( ) Challenge of Excellence, 9 pages,
Cadillac crest on corner of cover; GM Logo on a few pages [description of item on
sale by auction]
( ) Press kit,. including 5 glossy photos,
8x10", and individual descriptions of year's models, in portfolio jacket {***}.
( ) Stiff 4-page folder on commercial cars, opens to

( ) Black and white folder:

( ) Dealer's Data a Book, 6-ring
binder, 119 pages, clear plastic tabbed dividers for easy and quick reference. Filled with
pictures. 6 1/4 X 8" Contents include: new features, body styles, power train,
chassis, optional equipment, body, specifications, milestones, and a complete index

( ) Eureka commercial car folder

( ) S&S professional cars
prestige color catalog, 9x12", 12 pp., embossed covers {***}.
( ) Adverising sheet or folder (?) on
the S&S Victoria funeral coach {***}.

Adsvertising sheet on the S&S Victoria
( ) S&S professional cars mailer
catalog, opens to huge 36x48" poster on ambulance models, 48 page (single-side
printed) non-color folder, 6x12. Folder opens to huge, 36x48, poster style layout with
forty-eight photographs showing exterior, interior and features of the Hess &
Eisenhardt S&S Professional High Body, Kensington and Parkway Ambulances, with
discussion and specifications {***}.
( ) Miller Meteor catalog of
ambulances entitled "New Horizons in Ambulance Service", 8-page,
two-tone (red) catalog, 12½x8½", has red and white "Classic
42-inch" on cover and on p.2; p.3 has construction details, pp.4-5 show the
"Classic 48-inch" and "Paramount" models, p.6 features the
"Volunteer", p.7 has the specifications; features are shown on the rear cover
( ) Miller Meteor catalog of hearses and
ambulances entitled Invitation to Leadership - Miller-Meteor Professional Cars for
1966, 16-page full color catalog, 12½x8½", shows Citation (p.2), Landau
Traditional (p.4), Paramount Landau (p.5), Classic (p.6), flower
car p.7), 2-in-1 funeral coach/ambulance (pp.8-9), 3-way coach details (p.10-11), Classic
ambulance (p.12), ambulance details (p.13), specifications (pp.14-15), measures of Miller-Meteor
excellence (p.16)

(..) Superior, catalog of Cadillac professional
cars, 69 Superior Funeral coaches...the Professional Choice
(..) Superior on Cadillac chassis brochure. It
measures 11.5 x 9, 8 pp., several color photo inserts showing interior of coaches
(..) Superior Royale on Cadillac chassis
brochure. Glossy photo of Hearse/Limousine. It measures 11.5 x 8.5 and folds out to
(..) Superior Crown Sovereign Hearse on Cadillac chassis brochure. It measures
11.5 x 8.5 and folds out to a full 23 color photo.
(..) Superior, catalog of Cadillac professional
cars entitled Superior Crown Royale on Cadillac Chassis, 4 page color
folder, 8x12" opening to 8x23", covers open on 2-page photo of black Superior
Crown Royale Landaulet hearse. Also shown is a tan Superior Crown Royale
Limousine {***}

(..) Superior Crown Royale Cadillac Hearse/Limousine brochure. It measures
11.5 x 8.5 and folds out to a full 23
( ) Superior ambulance
catalog, 1966 Superior ambulances...a new line of action for any emergency
(..) 20 pp. brochure featuring ambulances built on
Cadillac chassis; shows all models and accessories available. It measures 11.5 x

1964-66, An Album of the World's Finest Cars: 8
p/cc, 4x6. White cover, with black lettering, has close-up view of emblem on brown car.
Six full page photographs, with descriptive captions, show the 1964 Sedan DeVille, 1965
Fleetwood Brougham, 1966 Coupe DeVille, 1967 Coupe DeVille and Fleetwood Eldorado and 1968
Fleetwood Eldorado and Sedan DeVille. Includes discussion. I.D. #SA 2667
( ) Prestige color catalog of 1967 models, Cadillac:
The Standard of the World, 13x11", 44 pp., dark blue cover with gold and
black lettering and black design. Fifty-six photo renderings and drawings show exterior
and interior of the Fleetwood Sixty Special Sedan, Brougham, Seventy-Five
Sedan-Limousine and Eldorado; DeVille Coupe, Convertible, Sedan and
Hardtop Sedan; and Calais Coupe, Sedan and Hardtop. Click here to
view the contents of a 1967 Cadillac product brochure [$40]
( ) Standard all-model catalog, Cadillac:
The Standard of the World, 9x11", 22 pp., dark blue cover with gold and black
lettering and black design. Forty-nine photo renderings and drawings show exterior and
interior of the Fleetwood Sixty Special Sedan, Brougham, Seventy-Five Sedan-Limousine and
Eldorado; DeVille Coupe, Convertible, Sedan and Hardtop Sedan; and Calais Coupe, Sedan and
Hardtop. Includes discussion, specifications and descriptive captions for thirteen
features [$22].
( ) Individual color catalog on Cadillac
Fleetwood, 12x9", 12 pp., dark blue cover with gold lettering and black emblem.
Twenty-four photo renderings and drawings show exterior, interior, chassis and mechanical
features of the Fleetwood Eldorado, Sixty Special Sedan, Brougham
and Seventy-Five Sedan-Limousine. Presentation envelope reads: For Motoring
Requirements Above the Ordinary" [$18]

[ This image is too dark - it
should be the
same color as the Eldorado catalog, below ]
( ) Individual color catalog on Fleetwood
Eldorado by Cadillac: World's Finest Personal Car, 12x9", 8 pp., dark blue cover
with gold and black lettering and black design. Fourteen photo renderings and drawings
show exterior, interior, chassis and mechanical features of car. Includes discussion and
specifications [$23]

( ) Accessories folder, full color,
3¼x6¼" folded, 6¼x13 ¼" open [$6]

( ) Accessories catalog, When It Comes To
Accessories -- Cadillac Helps You Get A Little Personal, 9x4", 16 pp., cover
features photo of front seat and dashboard of car with blue interior
( ) Stiff 24 pp. catalog (Canada), 8½x11" [$20]
( ) Eldorado coupe, PC

a. 1967 Merchandising Guide from Display Corporation w/envelope, 15"x10.5",
16 pages + covers
b. 1967 Color Selections Folder, tri-fold 7.25"x3.25", opens to
c. 1967 Mailer w/envelope & memo insert from dealer: "Your Cadillac dealer has
the answers.", 10.75"x9", 8 pages
d. 1967 Commercial Chassis Folder, 9.5"x12.5", tri-fold
e. 1967 Superior Hearse Brochure: "New Select Group on Cadillac Chassis",
9"x12", 18 pages + covers
Steven Egly Alameda, California
( ) Catalog of proposed
conversions by Derham of Rosemont on Cadillac and Lincoln chassis. This blue and
white catalog measures 11 x 7" and includes 8 pp., plus the embossed card covers.
Derham put out this brochure of line sketches for customizing CadillacS and a Lincoln many
years after it had more or less ceased producing such conversions. It has not been
ascertained if any of these proposals were actually built

[ Poor quality images from Internet auction site,
9/2005 ]
( ) S&S professional cars prestige
color catalog, 9x12", 12 pp., embossed covers {***}.
( ) S&S professional cars mailer
catalog, opens to huge 36x48" poster on ambulance models {***}.

(..) Superior, catalog of Cadillac and Pontiac
ambulance models, Any Emergency, with specifications, equipment,
accessories and features, 11½x8¼, 20 pp.{***}
( ) Superior catalog, New Selection,
ambulances on Cadillac and Pontiac chassis with specifications, equipment, accessories and
features, 9x12", 16 pp.

RH image is larger view of cover title in oval
(..) Superior, catalog of Cadillac professional
cars, 9x12", 20pp. {***}.
( ) Miller Meteor catalog of
ambulances entitled Surest Way to Show you Care, 8-page, full-color catalog,
9x12", has red and white Classic 48-inch ambulance on cover and on
pp.2-3; pp.4-5 feature the Classic 42-inch model, pp.6-7 gives construction
details and features, rear cover has interior dimensions and climate control explanations

( ) Miller Meteor catalog of hearses and
ambulances entitled Choice of the Leaders, 12-page full color catalog,
9x12", yellow cover features black Landau Traditional model, pp.2-3
feature the Citation, pp.4-5 the Classic (as a Landau funeral car, a
funeral limousine and an ambulance), pp.6-7 de[depict the three-way table in the Landau
Traditional model, pp.8-9 describe interiors and features.10-11 shows the Classic
42-inch ambulance and the rear cover has the Paramount Landau {*}

( ) Cadillac, Press Kit Portfolio,
9x12", dark blue cover with gold lettering and light blue emblem. Contains four press
sheets showing five views of the Cadillac Fleetwood Eldorado Coupe and two of the
Coupe and Convertible DeVilles, seventeen pages of press release information and
original mailing envelope.
( ) Prestige color catalog of 1968 models,
12x10", 52 pp., Fleetwood, DeVille, Eldorado and Calais,
white cover with black lettering and emblem. Fifty-four photographs show exterior,
interior and engine, 8 pages are onionskin overlay sheets with photos of people who enjoy
the cars. You may view the contents of the 1968 Cadillac product catalog at this Web
site: http://brochures.fleetwood75.net/

( ) Standard color catalog, Cadillac,
9x1", 24 pp., as above, white cover with black lettering and emblem, same color
photographs of exterior and interior of all models.
( ) Mexico mailer
( ) The Cadillac Professional Chassis for
1968, 6-page foldout, 9½x12½" closed, 28x12½" open, blue-gray cover with
front clip of 1968 Cadillac, first inner flap (right) has large Cadillac crest, next two
flaps (left) show bare chassis; at right are the specifications; the rear cover features
three typical commercial cars {*}

( ) Press kit on new models, 10x13", 5 press
sheets, with eight press photos and glued-on descriptions, 15 pages of press release info.
( ) Different press kit, Cadillac
for Nineteen Sixty-Eight, Press Kit, portfolio, 12x9", light blue cover
with dark blue and gold lettering and emblem, 9 press photos, with glued on descriptions,
and 20 pages of press release information.
( ) Color PC, Come in for a Command Performance
of a New or Previously Owned Cadillac, 4x9", Fleetwood Brougham, Coupe
and Sedan DeVille and Eldorado Convertible on parking lot.
( ) Specialty folder, There's Been a Lot of Talk
About Disc Brakes Lately, 7x7" opening to 7x28", blue and green cover, with
white lettering, green-toned art rendering showing frontal view of Cadillac with
headlights on at night, comparison of disc brakes to drum brakes.
( ) An album, of the world's finest cars,
color catalog of used Cadillacs, 8 pp.

( ) Stiff-covered Fleetwood folder, three
folds, 6 pp. opens to 12x27½", in original envelope marked Outstanding
Expression of Cadillac Excellence. Folder itself is entitled : The most
luxurious and rewarding decision in motoring - Cadillac Fleetwood Seventy-Five.
Includes front ¾ and rear ¾ side views, as well as rear compartment, engine, options and
specifications [one mint piece available in original
presentation envelope (not the mailing envelope): $54].

( ) NY show press kit on special Eldorado Biarritz Coupe de Ville created
for the 1968 Auto Shows
( ) Salesman's data book, 9½x11", in special
binder {***}.

( ) 24 pp. catalog (Canada), 8½x11" {***}.
( ) S&S ambulance catalog,
8½x12", 10 pp., red, black and white cover {***}.
( ) S&S professional cars prestige color
catalog, 9x12", 20 pp., embossed covers {***}.
( ) S&S sheet for Victoria funeral
coach model {***}.

( ) Miller-Meteor professional cars
ambulance catalog, 12 pp.

(..) Superior, catalog of Cadillac and Pontiac
ambulance models, Serviceable Emergency Fleet, 9x12", 32 pp., portfolio
jacket with accessories catalog, 2x12 pp. Has specifications, features, options and
accessories. {***}

(..) Superior, catalog of Cadillac professional
cars, 9x12", 16pp. {***}.

( ) Superior catalog, Cadillac Chassis,
9x12", 16 pp., includes Sovereign, Crown Sovereign, Crown
Royale, Royale hearses and flower car. Lists specifications and shows
interior and exterior features {***}
( ) "The Spectaculars in rescue performance,
1968 Miller-Meteor Ambulances with chassis by Cadillac", 8-page catalog, 9x12",
fire-fighters on cover with bird's-eye view of red and white ambulance, pp. 2-3 feature
the M-M "Classic 48", .pp.4-5 the M-M "Classic 42", pp.6-7 show
construction features and accessories, the rear cover has the specifications {*}
(1) Prestige portfolio of new models, best piece for
1969, Cadillac, 11x15", full color, heavy brown portfolio, with dark brown
design and lettering and gold embossed seal, contains: a) sheet with discussion of
features of the 1969 models; b) ten 2 p/color sheet with full page views of the Fleetwood
Brougham, Sixty Special, Eldorado and Seventy-Five; Coupe
DeVille, DeVille Convertible, Hardtop Sedan DeVille and Sedan
DeVille; and Calais Coupe and Hardtop Sedan, with two interior views and
discussion on reverse side of each sheet; c) two sheets with eleven photographs showing
exterior and interior of cars, with discussion, standard equipment and specifications.
(2) Prestige color catalog, 11x15", as above but a
bound catalog, 28 pp., 10 full page photos show the Fleetwood Brougham, Sixty
Special, Eldorado and Seventy-Five; Coupe DeVille, DeVille
Convertible, Hardtop Sedan DeVille and Sedan DeVille; and Calais
Coupe and Hardtop Sedan, with two interior views and discussion on facing pages. Click here to
view the contents of a 1969 Cadillac product brochure

(3) Cadillac: 13x10", 34 pp., full color
catalog, white border with white-on-white embossed lettering around front view photo of
silver car. Pages 2/3 and 31/32 are protective onionskin. Sixty-seven photos and artist's
renderings of exterior and interior of the Fleetwood Eldorado convertible, Sixty
Special Sedan and Brougham; DeVille coupe, convertible, hardtop
sedan and regular sedan, and Calais coupe, hardtop sedan and regular sedan.
Includes specifications, features, standard and optional equipment.
(4) As above but standard issue hand-out, 10x8", 20
(5) Standard catalog Cadillac: New Elegance . . . New
Excellence . . . New Excitement, 8x11", 16 pp., blue cover with white lettering
and emblem shows front ¾ view of white Fleetwood Brougham with black vinyl roof,
53 photos and photo renderings of exterior, interior and chassis. Covers Fleetwood
Eldorado convertible, Sixty Special sedan, Brougham and Seventy-Five
sedan and limousine; DeVille coupe, hardtop sedan, 4-door sedan and convertible, Calais
coupe, hardtop sedan and 4-door sedan.
(6) Three Distinctive Expressions of the Standard of
the World: The Fleetwood . The DeVille . The Calais, 9x12", 8 pp., cover is
frontal view photograph of black car in outdoor setting, 17 photos, including full page
views of the Fleetwood Brougham, Coupe DeVille and Calais
hardtop sedan, as well as exterior and interior views, for all body styles.
(7) Important Cadillac Accessories You May Have Overlooked: 12 pp., partly
colored catalog, 5x8". White cover, with black lettering, has front¾ photo of front
half of silver car at formal event. Eighteen photos of different accessories.
(8) Press Kit: Portfolio, 12x9", brown leatherette
covered with embossed Cadillac emblems, with lettering and one emblem in gold, 5 press
photo sheets, with glued on descriptions, showing the Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham sedan
(two views), DeVille convertible (two views), Eldorado convertible (two
views) and Calais hardtop sedan, plus 15 pages of text.
(9) GM: Cadillac, 4x8", 8 pp., non-color folder, half of cover is green with
black lettering and white Cadillac emblem; half is white with black and white GM emblem.
Three full page photographs show the Cadillac Fleetwood 60 Special sedan and
limousine and the DeVille coupe. Includes specifications, lists of standard and
optional equipment and prices for all models, including the Eldorado. Printed for
the Swiss market in German.
( ) Prestige catalog, Cadillac: New Elegance . . . New Excellence . . .
New Excitement, 9x13", 16 pp., blue cover with white lettering and emblem shows
front ¾ view of white Fleetwood Brougham with black vinyl roof. Has 53 photos
and artist's renderings of exterior, interior and chassis of Fleetwood Eldorado convertible,
Sixty Special sedan, Brougham and Seventy-Five sedan and
limousine, DeVille coupe, hardtop sedan, 4-door sedan and convertible,
Calais coupe, hardtop sedan and 4-door sedan. Includes specifications,
options and accessories.
( ) The Cadillac Fleetwood Seventy-Five, 10x12", part-color folder,
cover is front ¾ view (photo) of Fleetwood Seventy-Five limousine. Opens to ¾
rear view of same car. Four additional photos show interior features and the Landau
( ) An Invitation . . , 6x9", part-color folder, three-quarter frontal
view photograph of front of gold car. Folder is an invitation to test drive the new
( ) Cadillac Color Selections, 3x7"
part-color folder, white cover with gold title plate and black lettering. Folder contains
21 paint chips, including 5 "Firemist Colors".
( ) Cadillac Nineteen Sixty-Nine, Press Kit:
Portfolio, 12x9", brown cover with gold lettering and emblem, 8 press photos, with
glued on descriptions, 17 pages of press release information.
( ) History piece, press release, 8x10",
photograph is three-quarter frontal view of the 4 millionth Cadillac, a Coupe DeVille,
as it rolls off the assembly line to where it's new owners await in a 1902 Cadillac. Comes
with 8 pages of press release information.
( ) Cadillac, 9x11", 16 pp., black
cover, with white lettering, is three-quarter frontal view photograph of gold Cadillac, 20
photos, including 5 nice full page views of the models, show exterior, interior and
( ) Large brochure entitled 1969 Cadillac Fleetwood
Seventy-Five, full color, 16x13", cream cover with crest emblem. Two inside
pages are cut to frame reproductions of 1927 Town Cabriolet ad on left and 1969 Fleetwood
Limousine ad on right. Insert page has two photos of interior [one mint piece available in original presentation envelope
(not the mailing envelope): $50].

( ) Press kit with 5 photos and descriptive text on
new models {***}.
(..) 1969 Commercial cars, stiff 6-page folder, opens to
10.5x14.5", includes 11 color plates.
(..) 1969 Salesman's data book

(..) 1969 Master Parts List

( ) Unidentified piece

( ) Universal Coach Corporation (Detroit
and Los Angeles, USA) product brochures (folders); these are available ($29 each)