(1) Advance 4-p. leaflet on Type "51" entitled "The Eight
Cylinder Cadillac", front cover illustration of standard 7-passenger touring car,
front view of new V-8 motor (p.2), LH side of engine (p.3), specifications in brief and
prices (p.4).
(2) Advance catalog on Type "51" eight-cylinder Cadillacs,
15x22cms, 20 pp. [pf], embossed cover with Cadillac Standard of the World in oval
medallion above; engine front view (p.3), engine rear view (p.4), LH side of engine (p.5);
[lf illustration] chassis (p.6), (1) 7-passenger car (p.8). (2)
5-passenger car (p.9), [new] (3) 4-passenger Salon (p.10), (4)
roadster with collapsible rumble seat (p.11), (5) 3-passenger landaulet
coupe (p.12), [new] (6) 5-passenger sedan (p.13), (7) 7-passenger
limousine (p.14) and [new] (8) 7-passenger Berline limousine (p.15) {*}.

(3) 2nd catalogue entitled Cadillac Enclosed Cars, same size as
first catalog, 18 pp., [pf unless otherwise stated] aluminum body (p.4), one-piece
aluminum roof (p.5), interior of landaulet coupe (p.6), (1) landaulet
coupe ([lf] p.7), sedan interior and photo of bodies being built (p.8), sedan seating and
more bodies being built (p.9), (2) 5-passenger sedan ([lf] p.10),
entrance of limousine (p.11), rear compartment of limousine (p.12), interior of limousine
(p.13), (3) 7-passenger limousine ([lf] p.14), text on body construction,
landaulet coupe, sedan, and limousine; printed by Peninsular Company, Detroit.

(4) Renowned advertisement The Penalty of Leadership written by
Theodore Francis MacManus, an ex-journalist turned copy writer for the auto industry; this
advertisement (his most famous one) made him a millionaire.
(5) Cadillac owners' letters [booklet - {***}]
(6) Owners' manual

This is the 5th edition
(1) like 1915 advance catalogue, 15x24cms, 36 pp. [pf], front cover
embossed in oval "Cadillac Standard of the World", wreath & crest below,
Cadillac coat of arms (p.1), front view (p.2), front view of engine (p.8), sectional view
through pistons (p.9), cylinder block and crankshaft (p.10), pistons, connecting rods,
bearings and crankshaft (p.11), RH side of engine (landscape, p.12), transmission (p.15),
steering gear and steering wheel (p.16), rear spring suspension (p.17), rear axle gears
(p.18), front compartment access, dash switch and hub medallion (p.19), auxiliary seats in
7-passenger car and individual front seats in Salon (p.20), "one-man" top and
side curtains (p.21), [lf illustrations, unless otherwise stated] chassis (p.23), (1)
7-passenger car (p.24), (2) 5-passenger Salon (p.25), (3) 2-passenger roadster (p.26),
[new] (4) 3-passenger Victoria (p.28), [new] (5) 5-passenger Brougham (p.29), (6)
7-passenger limousine (p.30), (7) 7-passenger Berlin (p.31).
(2) Color catalog describing the advantages of the new [1915] Cadillac V8 engine;
size 6 x 8" (15 x 20cms), 18 pp. [lf], tan stiff card covers, "Cadillac -
Standard of the World" in oval medallion at center, top, Cadillac crest at lower
RH side, title "Every moment a pleasanter moment - every mile a smoother
steadier mile - every hour an hour of greater ease". The descriptive text is
illustrated with views of the 1916 touring car in various scenic spots around Seattle, WA,
and Pasadena, CA. The text [part] reads like this: One of the greatest
boons which the Eight-cylinder Cadillac confers upon motorists is that it removes the
strain and the weariness from long distance motor travel ... men and women all over the
world are awakening to this delightful discovery.

(3) Magazine article from "The Automobile" (seen in ZTV

1917 [none in collection]
(1) Catalogue about the Type 55 models, 21x28cm, 16 pp. [was included on
John Condes list # GM-10 [1995] {***}

(1) Catalogue entitled Details of Construction, Type 55

(1) Booklet "Cadillac Motor Cars - Details of Construction",
13x20cms, 36 pp. [pf], illustrated are chassis (p.4 [lf]), front view of engine with cover
plate removed (p.6), sectional views of pistons (p.7), crankshaft plus sectional view
(p.8). LH side view of engine showing detachable head (p.9), finishing of cylinder blocks
(p.10), valve stem locking system and sectional view through intake valves (p.11),
schematic diagram of fuel system (p.12), sectional view of carburetor (p.13), elements of
ignition system (p.15), water pump (p.16), cooling system and radiator splash shield
(p.17), lubrication system (p.18), storage battery plates (p.20), phantom view of starting
system (p.21). sectional view of headlamp and dash-mounted light switch (p.22), clutch
driving disc (p.23), clutch and gear set (p.24), full-floating rear axle (p.25), frame
(p.26), speedometer drive and front wheel locking device (p.27), steering wheel and
steering gear (p.28), braking system (p.29), suspension spring system (p.30), printed by

(1a) Catalog "Cadillac Passenger Cars - Open Style", circa
8½x11 inches, 20 pp. Frontispiece reads "Portfolio of Cadillac Passenger Cars
- Open Style" with the Cadillac crest and a banner beneath it. The first illustration
shows a touring car with three persons and Taos Indian cliff dwellings in the background.
On p.6 is the7-pass. family car with top up before a stately mansion and (below)
the same car with top, down;on p.7 is a photo from the Great War stating that "The
villages of France see many Cadillacs"; pp.8-9 show the various features of the 1918
models; p.10 shows the 4-pass open car with top up and down; p.11 has another war photo
captioned "In the war zone, khaki clad officers are riding in olive drab
Cadillacs"; p.12 illustrates the roadster with top up and down; at the foot of p.13
we see it with the rumble seat opened up; p.14 lists the specifications in brief and shows
the front of the engine with the cover plate removed.
(1b) Folder on the new "Cadillac Victoria" (seen in ZTV

(2) Color catalogue, dimensions and contents unknown; excerpts seen in
SAB book (Fr.) Les Plus Belles Années Cadillac [published by Massin, Paris, late
80's] pp.36-37] {***}.
(3) Small booklet The Coat of Arms of Le Sieur Antoine de la
Mothe Cadillac, 10x11cms, 12 pp. [pf], explaining Cadillac heraldic shield, etc. I
have also the Spanish language edition of the same brochure made for the Latin American
markets. A similar booklet was published again in 1922, 1943 and yet again in 1960
under the title The Words we Live by] {*}.

Photo seen in Ford Museum at Greenfield Village, September 1994,
describing the Cadillac Suburban, dated 26.4.1918 {***}
This is the cover of the Type 57 Cadillac models for 1918-19

(1) Introductory catalog for the new Type 57 models,
approximately 20x26cm, 12 pp. in B&W with orange-brown highlights entitled Cadillac
Enclosed Cars. The cover carries the Cadillac emblem in the center on a square frame.
No page numbers are shown. The following cars are illustrated (including details of their
interior): (1) the Victoria coupe (closed), (2) the Brougham sedan, (3) the town car, (4)
the town landaulet, (5) the town limousine with open front compartment, (6) the imperial
limousine with enclosed chauffeur compartment, (7) the landaulet (open), (8) the landaulet
(closed) and lastly a front view of an open V8 engine {***}
(1a) The Main 1919 catalog has a die cut oval in the cover with the Cadillac arms
behind and pasted to it. It includes a lovely drawing of post-WWI French children milling
around the car [info from ZTV 4/99]. It is similar to item (6), below.

(2) Part-color catalog, approximately 20x25cms, 30 pp., hard cover in
black with the title Cadillac Enclosed Cars and the Cadillac emblem in color, above
the title, in an oval shield approximately 5cm across. Shown are (1) the town car in
B&W with, above it, a color view of the rear compartment with two elegantly dressed
ladies and a gentleman wearing a top-hat (p.4), (2) the Victoria coupe in B&W with,
above it, a color view of the interior (p.6), another view of the Victoria coupe in
B&W (p.7), details of various body types, inside and out, in B&W (pp.8-9), (3) the
Brougham in B&W with, above it, the interior in color, (4) the Suburban in B&E
with, above it, its interior in color (p.12), (5) the imperial limousine and (6) the
landaulet in B&W (p.13), (7) the town limousine in B&W with, above it, its
interior in color (p.14) and lastly, in B&W, circled in a medallion, a gentleman
perusing a copy of the pre-war magazine Motor Life (p.15).
(3) booklet, two-tone, bronze and black, 15x23cms, 16 pp. [pf], cover
entitled Standard seven passenger Army Car, a collection of photographs showing
Cadillac Cars in Service; front cover with man atop world globe, holding laurel
wreath (Cycus leaves?) and branch, line drawing of Paris' Arc de Triomphe (p.2), photo of
President Wilson in Paris (p.3), photo of secretary of War Baker beside Cadillac limousine
(p.5), photo of Brigadier General Gordon H. Heiner's car being washed in quiet stream in
vicinity of firing line (p.6), photo taken at Boucq, Meuse, France on 31 October 1918, of
Major General C.H. Muir, commanding officer, 4th Army Corps, leaving to inspect front
lines in Cadillac limousine (p.7), first car across the Rhine, (2 photos) photographed
near Alt Breisach, Germany, 18 November, 1918 (pp.8-9), American soldiers leaving their
cantonments on the Meuse (p.10), Major General Leonard Wood at wheel of his Cadillac
(p.11), General's limousine (p.12), crowd hailing wounded American soldier being driven
through Paris [same photo used in SEP advertisement 9 February 1918] (p.13) printed by
Evans-Winter-Heeb, Detroit.
(4) Book, Cadillac Participation in the World War, same photos
as above plus various others and miscellaneous drawings, printed by Evans-Winter-Heeb.
(5) Illustrated catalog (reproduction copy) 21x30cms, 26pp. [pf], crest
in oval shield (cover, top center), title The Cadillac Motor Car - An illustrated
description of the latest open and closed models for the season of 1919; illustrated
are dash and driving controls plus wide front doors (p.6), (1) 7-passenger touring car
(p.7), tools and tire-changing equipment, tan top lining (p.8), (2) 4-passenger phaeton
and curtain compartment (p.9), dash-controlled headlamps and power inflator (p.10), (3)
2-passenger roadster plus storage compartment and emergency seat (p.11), rear view of back
light, double tire holder and side curtains (p.12), door locks (p.13), Victoria interior
and third windshield panel (p.14), (4) Victoria (p.15), draught prevention (p.16), (5)
sedan (p.17), Suburban interior and robe cord (p.18), (6) Suburban (p.19), limousine
interior (p.20), (7) limousine and driver's compartment (p.21), front view of engine
(p.22), plan views of body interiors (pp.23-24), printed by Evans-Winter-Heeb, Detroit
(6) [Assumed] mechanical catalog entitled Details of Construction,
presumably like 1918 piece {***}.
(7) Catalog, 21x28cms, 36 pp. [pf], gray-brown cover with red-brown
border marked Type 57, title Cadillac Advertising Helps gives principles
for good Cadillac advertising, includes selection of electrotypes available from Cadillac
Motor Car Company free of charge to Cadillac distributors and dealers; drawings include
7-passenger car (p16), 2-passenger roadster + 4-passenger phaeton (p.17), 4-passenger
Victoria [closed] + 4-passenger Victoria [open] (p.18), Brougham + Suburban (p.19),
landaulet [open] + landaulet [closed] (p.20), town landaulet [open] + town landaulet
[closed] (p.21) 7-passenger limousine + town limousine (p.22), miscellaneous ornate
borders, miscellaneous wreaths & crests, miscellaneous "Cadillac" script and
sample advertising copy; printed by Stoll Printing House, Detroit.

(8) Fourth Year and Fiftieth Thousand [this catalog is in
French and is entitled Quatrième année et cinquantième mille - Le nouveau type
Cadillac 57. Format is 22x29cm, 8 pp. in B&W with orange-brown highlighting. Shown
are the 7-passenger touring car (p.1), line drawings of some of the years models
(pp. 4-5) including the 7-passenger touring car, the phaeton, the brougham, the sport
phaeton, the same car with the rear compartment opened up, the Victoria coupe (open and
closed), the town landaulet (open and closed), the town limousine, the landaulet (open and
closed), the limousine with open drivers compartment and the imperial limousine with
enclosed drivers compartment; on the last page is a front view of the motor (open)
and of the the controls {*).
(9) 1919 Cadillac Features catalog, 16 pp. plus covers,
5 x 7¼ inches. No models illustrated; this book was intended to familiarize Cadillac
owners with some of the working parts of the Cadillac automobile. Items such as the
brakes, chassis, clutch, and engine are described.
(10) Owner's manual for the Type 57 Cadillac V8; there were many
different printings of a similar booklet (illustrated is the seventh edition for
1919); cover is marked: Manual of Care and Operation, for operator's use [over a
Cadillac crest] , Type 57, Cadillac Motor Car Co., Detroit, Michigan, USA - Seventh

This is the 7th edition of that manual
(11) List of parts fro Type 57 Cadillacs