Thanks also to Don Rising for sharing with me his information on the
single-cylinder Cadillacs of 1905 through 1909. Don said: "1905 catalogs
featured black covers with contrasting trademark, called "registered" even
though the trade mark was not actually registered until August 7, 1906. The catalog date
appeared as part of the frame on many pages. Brush was called the inventor and the
designer of the motor and the car, 'a mechanical genius associated with Leland and
Faulconer' in one catalog but 'our designer' in the Model D catalog."
(1) Small booklet entitled When the College Boy Came Home, 4½x6¼" (11x15cms), 20pp., amusing drawing of Model F touring car on cover, text
is written in the country vernacular and is illustrated with more amusing drawings,
printed by Dickinson Brothers. Don lists this one as #5 and describes it thus: 05-5
1905 CADILLAC semi-colored catalog, "When the College Boy Came Home" and front
view of Model F on cover, 4½x6¼", 16 pages plus card covers, various cartoon
sketches of Model F. {*}

Cover and excerpt from the above item
(2) Cadillac Automobile Company catalog, 5½x9" (13x22cms), 36 pages including covers [pf], white letters and emblem on
black covers. On p.2 Cadillac asserts that this is their third catalog; in fact
there were three or four catalogs for 1902-1903 and at least two for 1904. The name of the
engineer responsible for the Cadillac is badly spelled as A.P. Bush instead of A.P. Brush.
The following models are illustrated, as well as automobile factory and engine plants on
front cover: motor (p.5), water jacket (p.7), piston (p.8), transmission (p.9),
transmission brake (p.10), spark plug (p.11), carburetor (p.12), oil and switch system
(p.13), safety starting device (p.14), Model F body [birds eye view] (p.15), bare
chassis (pp.16-17), (1) Model "F" Delivery (p.19), (2) Model "F"
touring car (p.21), (3) Model "B" touring car (p.23), (4) Model "E"
runabout (p.25), (4a) runabout with top (p.27), (5) Model "D" touring car
(p.29). Don lists this one as #1 and describes it thus: 05-1 1905
CADILLAC single and four cylinder b/w & pale orange catalog, "Cadillac" and
trade mark (wreath and coat of arms) embossed in white on black cover, 5½x9", 32
pages plus card covers, one view of Model B, two views of Model E, two views of Model F,
one view of Model E and F chassis, one view of Model D four cylinder {*}

(3) Small booklet, 5x8" (12x19cms), 8 pages [pf], probably late
1905, pale green letters and emblem on black covers; illustrated are (1) Model C touring
car with removable tonneau, and (2) Model C runabout (both look the same as 1905 Model B
but have Model E hood and front grille). Here is an excerpt from Don Rising's
listing for this piece, which he lists as #2: 05-2 1905 CADILLAC Model C, B&W and
green catalog, "Cadillac" and trade mark embossed in green on black cover,
5x8", 4 pages plus card covers, two views of Model C {*}
(4) Catalog for the Cadillac Model D, 10¼x8¼"
(29x23cms), [lf], 24 pages, white letters and emblem at top RH corner of black covers;
birds eye views of the automobile factory and engine factory (p.1), ornate seal of
Dickinson Bros, the Detroit printers (p.2), LH side view of Model D Four Cylinder tourer
(p.4), RH ¾ front view of same car (p.6), four-cylinder mixer (p.8), planetary
transmission (p.10), oil governor actuating pump (p.16), section through rear axle (p.18),
double-acting emergency brake (p.20), counter-current muffler (p.22). On Don
Rising's list, this item is #3 and is described as follows: 05-3 1905 CADILLAC
Model D, B&W and green catalog, "Cadillac" and trade mark embossed in white
on black cover, 24 pages plus card covers, three views including cutaway of Model D.
He mentions also a second edition, described thus: 05-4 1905 CADILLAC Model D, B&W
and green catalog, "Cadillac" and trade mark embossed in green on
off-white cover. Otherwise same as 05-3; a printer's sample with insets denoting cover and
paper stock {*}

(5) Miscellaneous advertisements in my collection refer to catalog B
[April 1905], booklets D and N [January 1905], catalog D or booklet AD and N [February
1905], G and O, booklet Q, catalogs S and W. Don Rising says that these
"mysterious" catalogs and booklets are simply the "regular" ones
listed in these pages; the letters B, D, G, N, O and Q merely indicated to the
Cadillac Company in what publication the applicant for the catalog had seen it advertised.
(6) Operating instructions for the Model D
6a) Booklet about operating Models A, B, C, D, E, and F] entitled Cadillac
Automobiles - Their Use and Care, No. 3 [see also below] {*}.
Don Rising remarked that the 1906 catalogs were dated on the cover and in the text.
These were the first catalogs published by the newly formed Cadillac Motor Car Company.
There was no longer any mention of Alanson Brush.
(1) single and four cylinder models, b/w and pale orange cat., "1906",
"Cadillac" and trade mark embossed in white, brown plaque on light brown cover,
5½ x 9, 32 p. + card covers, two views of Model K, two views of Model M, one view of
Model K/M chassis, three views of Model H (no specifications listed for this model), two
views of Model L (no specifications listed for this model) {***}
(2) Catalog of single cylinder models, 9 x 5¼", two views of Mod-el K, two
views of Model M, one view of K/M chassis; cars shown without lamps {***}
(3) "Advance Catalog Four Cylinder Cars", "1906",
"Cadillac" and trade mark embossed in dark brown, brown plaque on light brown
cover, 9¼ x 6¼", 12 pages. In the introduction is mentioned a
catalog on the 4-cylinder cars which is in preparation and will be sent on request. Shown
are: the factory (p.2), (1) the Model H touring car costing $2500 (p.5), (2) the Model H
runabout costing $2400 (p.6), (3) the Model H closed coupe [the first production closed
car] costing $3000 (p.7), (4) the model L touring car costing $3750 (p.9), and (5) the
Model L Limousine with open drivers compartment costing $5000 (p.11). The last page
of the catalog mentions the tire guarantee. Tires of various brands may be installed on
the Cadillacs universal rims {*}
(4) Catalog of four cylinder models, same as (3) except minor changes in specs, New
York Salesroom mentioned on cover, one view of combined factory {***}
(5) "Catalog of Four Cylinder Motor Cars", "Cadillac" and trade
mark in white, dark blue and gold plaque on blue cover, 10¼ x 8", 24 pages plus card
covers, two views of Model H, governor shown {***}
(6) Semi-colored catalog entitled "When the College Boy Came Home"; front
view of Model M on cover, otherwise same as (5) {*}
(7) booklet, 3½x8" (13x21cms), 34pp [pf], plain cover
"Cadillac" at top, wreath & crest under, "1906" below, illustrated
are the car and engine factories [lf], motor (p.6), water jacket (p.8), carburetor (p.9),
spark plug (p.10), forced-feed lubricator [new] (p.11), transmission (pp.13-14), fuel tank
(p.14), safety starting device (p.15), steering wheel (p.16), oscillating front suspension
(p.17); bare chassis & hood (p.20), (1) Model "K" light runabout (p.22), (2)
same with leather or rubber top (p.24), (3) Model "M" light touring car (p.26),
(4) Model "M" Delivery car (p.28), (5) Model "H" touring car, (5a)
runabout & (5b) coupe (p.30), (6) Model "L" touring car and (6a) Limousine
(p.31) [all lf]; printed by Dickinson Bros. {*}
(7) Owner/operator manual for Cadillac 4-cylinder cars:

"Instructions for Care and Operation of Model
(--) Advertisements mention various booklets B, catalog AD, illustrated
booklet I, finely illustrated catalogue N [February 1906 advertisement], booklet O,
booklet S [February 1906], N, D, J and V [all December 1906]. As mentioned above, Don
Rising says that these "mysterious" catalogs and booklets are simply the
"regular" ones listed in these pages; the letters AD, B, D, I, J, N, O, Q, S and
V merely indicated to the Cadillac Company in what publication the applicant for the
catalog had seen it advertised.
Note: There may be also a 1906 catalog on Model L
1907 catalogs were dated in the text. Featured were the new Cadillac top
department and the first Cadillac with selective sliding gear transmission, the Model G.
(1) "1907 Advance Sheets Single Cylinder Cars Models K/M" on self cover,
8½x5¼, 8 pages, one view of Model K, four views of Model M {***}
(2) Semi-colored catalog for Models "K" and "M",
5½x8½"(11x15cms), 32 pages plus card covers, three views of Model K, eight
views of Model M, one view of K/M chassis, two views of Model G (no specs), 2 views of
Model H (no specifications listed for this model), no prices listed.
"Cadillac" and "Models K and M" in decorative shield, in dark green,
burgundy and gold in the top half; summary information is included also about Models
"G" and "H". Birds eye view [lf] of the now combined engine and
automobile factories and the former engine factory which became the foundry, pattern shop
and sheet-metal department (p.1). On p.2 is featured the Cadillac wreath & crest.
Illustrations include the spark plug (p.8), forced-feed lubricator (p.9), water-jacket and
cooling system (p.10), carburetor/mixer (p.11), transmission (p.12-13), 7-gall. gas tank
(p.13) [stored under front seat], safety starting device and steering wheel (p.14), front
view of car illustrating front axle rocker joint (p.15); unless otherwise noted, the
following illustrations are in landscape format [lf]: chassis (p.18), (1)
Model K light runabout (p.20), (2) Model M touring car (p.22), Model M
Victoria with "tulip"-styled front seat (p.24), the runabout is illustrated with
two tops (p.27), (3) Model M with folding tonneau (p.28), (4)
Model M Delivery (p.29), (5) Model G touring car (p.30), (6)
Model G runabout (p.30), (7) Model H touring car (p.31), (8)
Model H limousine (p.31). The latter catalog was printed by Dickinson Bros. {*}

(3) Semi-colored catalog, "Cadillac" and trade mark embossed in white,
"Models K&M" in gold, dark green plaque on green cover, 5½x8½", 32
pages plus card covers, three views of Model K, eight views of Model M, one view of K/M
chassis, two views of Model G (no specifications listed for this model), two views of
Model H (no specifications listed for this model), all models priced {***}
(4) Semi-colored catalog (B&W plus green), "Cadillac" and trade mark
embossed in white, "Condensed Catalog" in gold, brown plaque on aqua cover,
9¼x6" (circa 23x15cms.), 20 pages plus card covers, one view of Model K, six views
of Model M, two views of Model G, two views of Model H, all models priced. Birds
eye view of the now combined engine and automobile factories and the former engine factory
which became the foundry, pattern shop and sheet-metal department (p.1). On p.2 is
featured a small Cadillac wreath & crest. Illustrations include (1) the Model K
runabout (p.6), (2) the Model M light touring car (p.7), (3) Model M Victoria light
touring car (p.8), (4) Model M folding tonneau (p.9), (5) Model M coupe (p.10), (6) Model
M Delivery (p.11), (7) Model G touring car (p.14), (8) Model G runabout p.15), (9) Model H
motor (p.16), (10) Model H touring car (p.18), (11) Model H limousine (p.19) {*}

(5) Semi-colored catalog (B&W plus green), "Cadillac" and trade mark
embossed in red, otherwise same as (4) except no prices are listed {***}
(6) Semi-colored catalog, "Cadillac" and trade mark embossed in white,
"Model G" in gold, dark green plaque on aqua cover, 9¼x6¼", 24 pages plus
card covers, five views of Model G including chassis and plan view, two views of Model H
(no specifications listed for this model), seven views of K/M (no specifications listed
for this model) {***}
(7) Semi-colored catalog, "Cadillac" and trade mark embossed in white, dark
blue and gold plaque, "Catalog of Four Cylinder Motor Cars" and "The New
Model H" on blue cover, 10¼x8", 16 pages plus card covers, one view of Model H,
no governor shown {***}
(8) Single sheet of text on Model "H" limousine dated 9 October
1963 (got from Free Library of Philadelphia, 1994) {*}
(9) Operator instructions for Model H {seen in ZTV collection)

(--) Misc.: Sheet "Famous Cars of Yesteryear" (from
"Modern Man", Fifties girlie magazine). Car shown is 1907 Model "M"
touring car but is captioned as a 1904 model. $5 [DATE CORRECTION IN INK]
(--) Booklets mentioned in advertisements: Catalogs GD, MD, HD, HN, GN,
MN [January 1907], GO, HO, MO, GAA, HAA, MAA [December 1907]. As mentioned above, Don
Rising says that these "mysterious" catalogs and booklets are simply the
"regular" ones listed in these pages; the letter combinations used merely
indicated to the Cadillac Company in what publication the applicant for the catalog had
seen it advertised.
1908 catalogs were dated in the text. Features of the cars were running boards
and "3 oil lamps and horn included". The 1908 models were the last single
cylinder Cadillacs, and the last chain-drive Cadillacs ...until 1967.
(1) "Models S&T Advance Booklet", 6x9", 16 pages including cover, three
views of Model S, three views of Model T {***}
(2) B&W catalog, "Cadillac" and trade mark embossed in white, brown
plaque, "Models S&T" in brown triangle on tan cover, 5½x9", 32 pages
plus card covers; illustrations include two views of factory (p.1), the single-cylinder
motor (p.6), the spark plug (p.7), the water-jacket and cooling system (p.8), the
carburetor (p.9), the transmission (pp.10-11), the gas tank (p.11), the lubricator (p.12),
the safety device (p.13), the front axle (p.14), the chassis (p.16), the Model T (p.18),
the Model S (p.20), the Model S Victoria (p.22), the Model S with rumble seat (p.23), the
Models S & T with Victoria body (p.24), Cadillacs with tops (pp.26-27), the Model T
coupe (p.28), the Model M delivery van (p.29), Models G and H (p.30) (no specifications
listed for models G and H) {*}

(3) B&W catalog, "Cadillac" and trade mark, "Condensed
Catalogue" in dark brown, brown plaque on tan cover, 5½x8", 16 pages plus card
covers, two views of Model S, three views of Model T, one view of Model M, three views of
Model G, two views of Model H {***}

(4) B&W catalog, "Supplement to (1907) Catalogue of Model G" on self
cover, 9x6", 8 pages including cover, four views of Model G. The stated purpose of
this supplement was merely to call attention to the paper change in horse-power rating
from 20 hp to 25 hp {***}
(5) B&W catalog, "Cadillac" and trade mark in white, brown plaque,
"Model G" on tan cover, 9¼x6¼", 32 pages plus card covers, nine views of
Model G including chassis and plan view, eight views of Models S, T and M, two views of
Model H {***}
(6) B&W plus yellow/orange booklet, "The Physician and the Automobile";
cover has nose of coupe with lights on, against orange/yellow background, 5½x7", 16
pages including covers, three views of Model S, three views of Model T Coupe,
"Cadillac" in script shown twice on radiators {***}
(7) B&W booklet, The Truth about the Automobile and What It Costs to Maintain
One and plaque in dark brown on brown cover, 5½x8¼", string bound, 64 pages
plus card covers, 9½x23" record chart of 164 recorded cars tipped into rear [an
earlier edition listed only 158 owners], no cars shown (one of these was sold on e-Bay in
Septembe3, 2003, for just under $60 {*}.

Note: There may be also a 1908 catalog on the Model H as well as some other
1902-1908 items not listed here.
(--) Catalogs GC, HC, MC, G AD, M AD, H AD, AH [Models M & K], M AH, G
AH, H AH, G AG, H AG, M AN, G AN, GB, MB, GJ, R [May 1907], TR [May 1907], H40, 41, G41,
T41, T45, 47, H47 [November 1907], booklets Nos. 10, 15, 17, T17, T18 [December 1907],
T34, H34 [March 1908], T47 [April, May, June 1908], T26, 30, T32, G33, 34, G34 [May 1908],
23, G23, 26, G26 [June 1908]. As mentioned above, Don Rising says that these
"mysterious" catalogs and booklets are simply the "regular" ones
listed in these pages; the letter combinations used merely indicated to the Cadillac
Company in what publication the applicant for the catalog had seen it advertised.
(8) B&W booklet, Instructions for Care and Operation... of the Model G

(1) "Cadillac Motor Car Co." catalogue (reproduction copy),
6x9" (15x22cms) [pf], 34pp., cover like 1906 but no date below center, again has
aerial views of auto/engine factories and foundry (p.1); illustrated are the new Cadillac
"Thirty" motor, LH side (p.8), cylinder, piston and water jacket (p.9),
Johannson special gauges (p.10), oil pan and crank shaft (p.11), "Thirty" motor,
RH side (p.12), clutch and transmission (p.13), front view of motor with gear cover plates
removed (p.14), crank case (p.15), sliding gear transmission (p.16), rear axle (p.17),
brakes (p.18), rear spring suspension (p.19), steering wheel and steering gear (p.20),
brake and control levers (p.21), [lf] views of "Thirty" chassis (p.24), chassis,
RH side (p.25), (1) touring car, RH side (p.26), (2) demi-tonneau, RH side (p.27), (3)
roadster, RH side (p.28) various Cadillac tops (p.31), printed by Dickinson Bros {*}.

Item at far right was listed for sale on Ebay in
2007; it appears to have a black cover
Instruction Books [owners manuals] on Single-Cylinder Cadillac Models
(2) Number Three - First Edition. 1905. Model A,B,C,E,F. 10x7", 39 pages. Black
fabric cover, white crest. Chassis illustrations of Models E and F {***}
(3) [as above] Number Three - First Edition. 1906. Same as 1905 with two-page 1906 notice
tipped in at front {***}
(4) [as above] Number Three - First Edition. 1907. Same as 1905 with inserts in front:
October 1, 1906 page on coils; four-page insert (on red paper) of 1906-07 details {***}
(5) [as above] Number Three. 1908. Blue cover, 40 pages. Inserted information now included
in manual. Chassis illustrations still of Models E and F. Information on Models S
and T is included. This is the version which has been reproduced in various hobby
publications, including the Horseless Carriage Gazette, Vol. 24-1 {*}
(6) [as above] Number Four. Models A, B, C, E, F, K, M, S and T, 6x9" vertical
format, 40 pages. Brown cover. Printed circa 1911. Chassis illustrations still of Models E
and F, additional information on Models K, M, S and T. More complete information on
application of oilers and axles {***}
(7) Model A, effective 1 Dec 1907. First Edition. Engines A, B, C,
E, F, K and M 5¾x8¾", 24 pages (brown) plus brown covers {***}
Models B, C, E and F Parts Lists:
(8) 1905 B, C, E and F. Effective 1 July 1905. Second edition. Engines A, B, C, E and
F, 6x9", 36 pages (brown) plus black covers {***}
(9) 1904-1905 B, C,E and F. Effective 1 Jan 1907. Fourth edition. Engines A, B, C, E,
F, K and M, 5¾x8¾", 40 pages (brown) plus green covers {***}
(10) 1904-1905 B, C, E and F. Effective 1 Feb 1908. Sixth edition. Engines A, B,
C, E, F, K, M, S an T, 5¾x8¾", 40 pages (brown) plus green covers {***}
(11) 1904-1905 B, C, E and F. Effective 1 Sep 1910. Seventh edition. Engines A, B, C,
E, F, K, M, S and T, 6x8¾", 32 pages (brown) plus green covers {***}
Models K, M, S and T Parts Lists:
(12) 1906-1907 Models K and M. Effective 1 Jan 1907. Second edition. Engines A, B, C,
E, F, K and M, 5¾x8¾", 36 pages (brown) plus green covers {***}
(13)1906-1907-1908 Models K, M, S and T. Effective 1 Feb 1908. First edition. Engines
A, B, C, E, F, K, M, S and T, 5¾x8¾", 36 pages (brown) plus green covers {***}
(14) 1906-1907-1908 Models K, M, S and T. Effective 1 Sep 1910. Second edition. Engines
A, B, C, E, F, K, M, S and T, 5¾x8¾", 32 pages (brown) plus green covers {***}
(15) 1906-1907-1908 Models K, M, S and T. Effective 1 June 1914. Third edition. Engines
A, B, C, E, F, K, M, S and T, 5¾x8¾", 32 pages (brown) plus green covers {***}
(16) Cadillac Single Cylinder Parts List, Models A, B, C, E, F, K, M, S and T Combined.
Effective 1 June 1916. First edition. 7x9¼", 64 pages (brown) plus brown covers
