[ Last update: 09.23.2012 ]


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The Cadillac Database ©

Index of Topics
Liste des sujets traités

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(en bas de page se trouve un résumé en français)



Alphabetical List of Topics
[some pages are still under construction

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liste alphabétique des sujets abordés
[ certaines pages ne sont pas encore termin es ]




nouvelles et
mises à jour


1, qu'est-ce?

les images

les liens

les distinctions

1 Banque de données Cadillac du nouveau millénaire
2 New, Nov. 2011: Images will gradually be added in a larger format, thanks to the increased Web space for The Cadillac Database© provided kindly by CLC member, Glen Houlton of Hawaii

Les Pubs Cadillac

Here is a listing of over 2000 Cadillac and La Salle advertisements published in newspapers and magazines since 1902
[ circa 270 pages and 1100 sample ads ]

les "on dit"

Here are some things that people have said about the Cadillac automobile (various aphorisms, slogans and other trivia)
[ circa 20 pages - no images ]

Art & Artifacts
l'art et le bizarre

Paintings, photography, sculpture  are not the only kind of art inspired by the elegance and beauty of the Cadillac automobile. The car, the crest, the name...
all have been used in creating a bizarre assortment and array of collectible objects and artifacts. Many of them will surprise you 
[ circa 23 pages filled with images ]

les livres

Here is a list of the best-known books devoted entirely or in part to Cadillac and La Salle automobiles
[ 2 pages as well as images of most titles ]

Cadillac Crest
(history of  the)

les armoiries Cadillac

Here is the story of Antoine Laumet, aka Antoine De Lamothe-Cadillac and "his" family crest, borrowed in part from the Lamothe family (there never was a "Cadillac" family in Gascony); Cadillac founded Detroit in 1701.
[ circa 80 pages and 30 images ]

Dream Cars
and Show Cars

les voitures de rève

Here are descriptions and images of Cadillac and La Salle show cars, dream cars and special, limited editions and Cadillac-powered cars of a different marque. In some cases, fewer than 10 units were built; some are unique
[ circa ... 1000 pages filled with images ]


This section describes and illustrates the top-of-the-line, rear-wheel-drive Eldorado models of 1953 through 1966; there is a link to a site dealing with the front-wheel-drive Eldorados of 1967 and later
[ circa 35 pages filled with images ]

Eldorado Brougham

This is the most complete source of facts, information and pictures relating to these rare Cadillac models built from 1957 to 1960. Surprisingly, about half of them may have survived
[ circa 850 pages and innumérable images ]

Eldorado, 1953

This is the most complete source of facts, pictures and surviving car information for the first year, top-of-the-line Eldorado.  Only 532 units were built.  At the urging of a Swedish collector, this page was begun in late 2000.
[ circa 35 pages with images of survivors ]

les motorisations

The first Cadillac was powered by a single-cylinder motor; the company experimented with two, three, four, six, eight, twelve and sixteen-cylinders but only ones, fours, eights, twelves and sixteens were built
[ circa 35 pages and many images ]

les bandes de diapositives

Cadillac Division of General Motors provided 35 mm filmstrips to train both sales and service staff. Hundreds of film strips and sound recordings were made for this purpose; the earliest known filmstrips are from the late twenties; you will find here a number of them in my collection
[ circa 40 pages and a few sample images ]

Fisher Coach, the
le carrosse Fisher

Fisher adopted Napoléon's wedding coach as its emblem, on 10 July 1923; the Fisher Body Craftsman's Guild  was a competition begun in the early 30s for boys of 12 to 19 years of age, to build a replica of the Fisher coach 
[circa 15 pages with representative images ]

Follies of 1959
les folies de 1959

The 1959 Cadillac has become an American icon; you either love it or hate it; these pages are filled with images (often amusing ones) centering on those incredible, rocket-ship tail-fins 
[ circa 60 pages and hundreds of images ]

Follies of 1959
"59 Shark"

l'histoire d'une '59

This is the story of a 1959 Series 62 convertible that found its way to Monaco, where it was acquired by a friend of mine.  If you have ever bought a used car, unseen, and driven it home, you will appreciate this tale
[ circa 35 pages and 18 images ]

Fun Stuff
and Miscellany

Divers et curiosités

In this section you will find a number of topics of general interest relating to specific Cadillac models or themes
[ 6 pages, with links, and many images ]

Glossary and
Fact Finder

petit glossaire Cadillac

These pages are replete with summary information and trivia relating to Cadillac and La Salle cars and history; topics covered range from "A" pillars all the way to a "Zagato"-bodied custom Cadillac 
[ 450 pages with quite a few illustrations ]

Hood Mascots and
Stand-Up Crests

les bouchons de radiateur
et mascottes de capot

The first radiator mascots were the motometer, that kept the driver appraised of coolant temperature.  With the advent of dash-mounted temperature gauges, the motometer gave way to stylish, stand-up (then lay-down) hood mascots 
[ circa 50 pages and lots of images ]

les insignes et écussons

Apart from the well-known Cadillac "V", and the wreath and crest, many decorative insignia have appeared on the cars and in factory literature since the early part of last century. Many are illustrated here 
[ circa 200 more pages and hundreds of images ]

Insignia and
Mascots (Fake)

les faux

The Cadillac crest and the stylish mascots worn by classic Cadillacs and LaSalles inspired many copies from accessory houses in the sixties and seventies; some of the more well-known "fakes" are illustrated here 
[ circa 20 pages and quite a few images ]

La Salle

The LaSalle, introduced in 1927 and built through the 1940 model year was dubbed Cadillac's "companion car".  In these pages you will find basic facts and figures relating to each model and year of production  
[ circa 200 pages and almost 250 images ]


les millionièmes Cadillac

Cadillac built only three cars in 1902;  forty-seven years later, in late 1949, the millionth Cadillac rolled off the assembly line. Over the next 50-year period, a further 9,000,000+ cars were built. Here are the "millionth" cars 
[ circa 20 pages and a dozen images ]

les Cadillac au cinéma

Do you enjoy seeing old Cadillacs and LaSalles in the movies? Here is a non-exhaustive list of some well-known movies in which these models frequently had a leading role 
[ circa 180 pages and 100+ images ]

Other Models
les autres modèles

Apart from long-standing Cadillac models like the Series 62, Calais, De Ville, Sixty-Special, Eldorado and Seventy-Five, there have been other, less successful models like the Cimarron and the Allant
[ under construction ]

Professional Cars
les Cadillac utilitaires

Until the end of 2002, professional cars and commercial vehicles had been grouped together under the "Dream Cars" and "Show Cars" section of the Database. At the wise suggestion of a Database user (and to lighten the other section), the so-called commercial cars now have their own page
[ 660+ pages and hundreds of images ]

Sales Literature
la documentation

The primary source of information and images of Cadillac and LaSalle cars in this Database is factory merchandising catalogs and folders; here is a listing of the most well-known pieces, going back to 1902
[ hundreds of pages and images ]

on en chante...

In this trivia page are many well-known song titles that include the name "Cadillac". A few others, like "Beep-Beep", are listed only because their lyrics are worthy of inclusion here
[ no images ]

Cadillac "timbrées"

Here is another trivia page ...for the car collectors and philatelists among you; it lists and illustrates many postage stamps that feature Cadillac or LaSalle automobiles 
[ circa 50 pages and around 130 images ]

Stars and Personalities
Cadillac et vedettes

For many years, Cadillac and LaSalle cars were the favorite models of royalty and nobility, not to mention movie stars, entertainers and politicians; in these pages are some of the more well-known among them 
[ circa 300 pages and hundreds of images ]

Styling Codes
nomenclature des modèles

These pages are for the full-fledged aficionado who can (or would like to be able to) determine the styling code of any Cadillac just by glancing at its main features 
[ few images ]

[NEW] Technical Articles
articles techniques

[Under construction - 10/2010]  Watch this space for a coming series of technical articles first published in the Self Starter

Toys and
Scale Models

les jouets et
modèles réduits

For those who can't afford the real thing, or who lack storage space for a full-sized version of their favorite Cadillac or LaSalle, here is a list of some scale models, toys and replicas 
[ circa 750 pages and many hundreds of images ]

les seize cylindres

During the pinnacle years of Cadillac styling, the wealthiest and most discerning buyers would not be content with anything less than a twelve or sixteen-cylinder Cadillac; here is a very complete listing of V-16s actually built 
[ circa 900 pages and hundreds of images ]

Wheel Covers
les enjoliveurs de roues

Cadillac wheel covers and hub caps are a colorful complement to the cars themselves; there have been hundreds of different ones; collecting these can be a lot of fun 
[ circa 75 pages and a couple of hundred images ]

Yearly Specifications
données techniques
par année de fabrication

Here are the condensed specifications and model range of Cadillac cars from 1902-2002 [many blanks still need to be filled]; LaSalle specs are to be found elsewhere 
[ circa 700 pages and hundreds of images ]




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Cette page contient la liste des principaux sujets abordés dans la Nouvelle Base de Données Cadillac (NBDC)©. L'ensemble des données provient de livres, revues, publications de divers clubs et associations, catalogues, dépliants et vignettes publicitaires émis par la firme. Parfois aussi on rencontrera les initiales de la (des) personne(s) ayant fourni l'information ou l'image en question.

Pour tous renseignements concernant ce site Internet, adresser un courrier électronique ici, SVP:

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© 1996-2012, Yann Saunders and the Cadillac-LaSalle Club, Inc.
[ Background image:  earliest (1906) and most recent (2000) Cadillac emblems ]